Tyrants and Slaves
all the other Suicide Girls are hot too, not just Gogo
Quinne <3 <3 <3
all the other Suicide Girls are hot too, not just Gogo
I get really annoyed with women, especially slightly younger women because they come off as so pretentious and the only thing that matters to them is the power that their sexuality gives them. Everything else is just a means to an end. They're as deep as a puddle.
all the other Suicide Girls are hot too, not just Gogo
Quinne <3 <3 <3
Yeah a lot of those girls are banging. I love Radeo.
i do get quantity and quality (physical quality anyway). you're right though, from the perspective of getting laid through my "game" i got none. but from the perspective of "how much pleasure my dick (and eyes) have received" i win.
if you've got enough money, the guy who is with a prostitute every time he gets any will be getting some more frequently than every one else
naw just once a week lol and sometimes i skip a week. that mutual emotional attachment shit sounds nice but i have no deep yearning for it. i'm content just looking intensely at a bitch while screwing her and thinking "damn she's so fucking hot". most of those i've been with are really warm and nice girls, i just leave the cash on the table and we're good to go. they even cuddle afterwards lol.
naw just once a week lol and sometimes i skip a week. that mutual emotional attachment shit sounds nice but i have no deep yearning for it. i'm content just looking intensely at a bitch while screwing her and thinking "damn she's so fucking hot". most of those i've been with are really warm and nice girls, i just leave the cash on the table and we're good to go. they even cuddle afterwards lol.
Back to important shit:
Amina <3
The fact that she is missing part of one of her legs is strangely hot.