Males and Females

hugs! What happened?

We were basically both somewhat unhappy at this stage of the relationship. I wasn't pulling my weight and she felt she was doing a poor job of being a girlfriend.

All I told her was that I wanted her to be happy and if breaking up would make her happier than I was fine with it.

That's it in a nutshell.

Too much table time.

My condolences, Mike. It appeared it was most pleasant while it lasted.

I lol'd at table time. Hadn't heard that in a while...
If you want sex with yourself...that's what the hand is for, not to mention you can skip polite conversation that's boring.

or you could try the route of having conversation that's not boring
if you're actually looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend you could try going to big social events like
where the conversation you have with a person of the oposite sex is actually not boring
it's true though, Swedes should stop fucking my pals and arabs. way to shit on your gene pool.

what the fucking hell is up with the slutty-as-hell blue-eyed-blonde bitches that only fuck black guys, not talking about long-term-relationships, i'm talking about the milky-white blonde girls that will fuck ever single black guy in Dallas County in a single year but then insistently refuse to sleep with any white guys just because "i don't do white guys"...seriously, that shit gets annoying
or you could try the route of having conversation that's not boring
if you're actually looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend you could try going to big social events like
where the conversation you have with a person of the oposite sex is actually not boring

to the females that blow all their money going to concerts every single fucking week
don't bitch about being single if you're not willing to date a guy you meet at a concert
what the fuck is so scary/un-date-able about a guy that shows up to concerts??
if he's at the same freaking concert you're at then you know he's into the same type of music that you're into
so what's the problem?? what the hell makes a guy at a concert someone you can't date??
seriously asking a serious question
to the females that blow all their money going to concerts every single fucking week
don't bitch about being single if you're not willing to date a guy you meet at a concert
what the fuck is so scary/un-date-able about a guy that shows up to concerts??
if he's at the same freaking concert you're at then you know he's into the same type of music that you're into
so what's the problem?? what the hell makes a guy at a concert someone you can't date??
seriously asking a serious question

Long answer short : Nothing, as long as that guy isn't you.
I guess if it was a really small fest then you'd have chance to get to know someone or whatever, but at a normal show, you'd just get a groin full of their ass or something, which may be good, but yeah...
I'm having dreams about my ex already

what the fucking hell is up with the slutty-as-hell blue-eyed-blonde bitches that only fuck black guys, not talking about long-term-relationships, i'm talking about the milky-white blonde girls that will fuck ever single black guy in Dallas County in a single year but then insistently refuse to sleep with any white guys just because "i don't do white guys"...seriously, that shit gets annoying

wasn't really expecting anyone to answer, just kind of venting

to the females that blow all their money going to concerts every single fucking week
don't bitch about being single if you're not willing to date a guy you meet at a concert
what the fuck is so scary/un-date-able about a guy that shows up to concerts??
if he's at the same freaking concert you're at then you know he's into the same type of music that you're into
so what's the problem?? what the hell makes a guy at a concert someone you can't date??
seriously asking a serious question

in this post^^^ i was actually reffering to specific girls i personnally know

these are girls that won't date me cuz i'm "like a brother to them" and then i got to listen to them bitch about their sex lives

they blow literally all their money going to concerts, seriously showing up to a concert every single fucking week (Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex has a spectacularly-huge-ass-number of concert venues with concerts going on literaly every single night of the year)
then about 2 hours before a concert starts, i get a phone call where the girl going to the concert is bitching that she's going by herself cuz she can't find a boyfriend, but then, at the same time, for some unfathomable reason, none of these girls are willing to date any guy they meet at a concert,

i was seriously asking for insight into the female psyche
I guess if it was a really small fest then you'd have chance to get to know someone or whatever, but at a normal show, you'd just get a groin full of their ass or something, which may be good, but yeah...

i was actually suggesting using these fests as a "meat market" [or whatever you call the place you go when you're looking for a date]
where you actually date the people you meet at a fest as opposed to dating someone you meet at a grocery store or a laundrymat or whatever

you know, like using the fest the way people used to use "singles bars"