Males and Females

Again,the majority probably do, they just wont date you.

after i move into my apt (the day after thanksgiving) me getting laid won't be a problem

i'm still occasionally hanging out with the girl that wants me but is paranoid about getting arested for public lewdness/indecent exposure

when i move into my apt i'll be able to start banging her again

and i'm still hanging out with the 11 people that are sort of a "couple" so my new apt might start being used for orgies

i'm still going to and since none of those people know about me sleeping outside, i'll prolly be able to get laid when i go to the Dallas Fetish Ball
Making girls cream themselves with my Latin and history skills on OKC.

Especially when she has a name that is related to that of the Roman general who captured Syracuse in the First Punic War and accidentally killed Archimedes.
Been messaging back and forth with another one. I totally found a female ancient history nerd, and good looking too. She lives in Cedar Rapids where I'm happening to be attending a Greek tragedy being performed on Friday. I dropped a hint that she may want to go. Haha.