8 months single and I haven't even thought about dating websites or actively trying to pick up women. I think my last relationship may have turned me off ever wanting to be in one again.
Same boat, dude. 12 year relationship went down in flames and I'm just happy not to have someone up my ass constantly.
What would be positive steps towards not being boring out of this selection of things I *would* do:
get into grass track motorsport or rallying
buy a motorcycle
learn guitar properly
get a good (£50000+) job
wear more stylish clothes
go to fucking yoga
wear hats
become involved with some left of centre green organisation
become involved with some right of centre defence organisation
get pretty good at drawing / art and have some cool blog or something of stuff and get women interested in being drawn like one of my French [Czech] girls.
I'm a little worried I'm sounding like Monoxide in this post, but oh well.
Go out to bars weirdooossssss
The drinking age is 21 here, except in New Orleans where it's 18.
I've backspaced this message at least 5 times now and once again, I just backspaced... I'm not confident on the words to use. I even considered writing it in Greek, but I won't send that to you. I have a lot to learn.
I am forever in debt to my selfish behavior in our relationship. I perverted Christianity with my intentions and I failed you as a friend. I should have acted with patience in the similar interest that brought us together. The lack of discernment I reasoned was outstanding and I see it now after my actions have become apart of history. You were right, history does repeat itself...
I've started fostering my interest in classical language and literature, black metal, and history. They are quite consuming hobbies. I understand your desire to attain a degree in the classics/history.
I hope my confession brings some form of healing to whatever keeps you from reaching the whole beauty of Jeremy Swist. Please, forgive me. I hope we can talk again some day.
The Bible is and always will be my favorite book. Ironically, I also love "50 Shades of Grey" and "Twilight."