Males and Females

I've been feeling particularly emo and faggoty lately because my ex refuses to be friends with me. I have no clue what I did to her, but whatevs.

Sometimes you don't need to do anything specifically bad for someone to dislike you or not be interested in you. You could have just bored her to death or something.

PP had a double root canal today. Want to make him something soft for dinner. No food processor/blender though...
I'm really badly turning into travis bickle right now. I might have to go to extra therapy. I really don't want to get sectioned though. I'm starting to have faith in god and I don't even know why or what changed. It's actually worrying on one level. I wish I was born 100 years earlier. It's just not the white man's world any more.
Sometimes you don't need to do anything specifically bad for someone to dislike you or not be interested in you. You could have just bored her to death or something.

That's likely the case. Although we did argue a lot when we did talk. I dunno. I told her I moved on (a total fuckin' lie, but I figured it would allow us to be friends again)... she is more receptive now to the idea, but now it's an "I don't know" rather than a solid no.
My problem when it comes to women is that when I fall, I fall hard and quickly. If I hadn't have fell for her so hard I likely wouldn't give as much of a shit if we were talking now.
It's agonizing not talking to her though. :/

This is a phase. I've been through it each time and it's agonizing even when it was amicable. But it goes away pretty quickly once you restrategize and get someone else in the crosshairs.

Aphrodite is not a kind goddess.
I don't really want another relationship though; either with another person, or her. Just being friends would nice.

But she doesn't want that, so time to give up I guess.
I figure this is probably a better place to update progress on the okcupid thingy I made. I took Krampy's advice and added some more pics, got 2 messages in the last 3 or 4 hours. One said not to ever shave the beard.
Dude, you're better off. All Women really want is to suck you into their vagina for eternity. It's quite evil.

I think women are socialized to seek men as strong caretakers that provide entertainment. A lot of women find the idea that men have feelings and insecurities like theirs to be incongruous, and even weak and shameful. It's not that they're evil. It's that we're constantly told that guys with insecurities are pussies who don't deserve pussy. It's something asserted by men and women, and then men are told to see a relationship as following a procedure to please the woman to get sex, and so women are put in a position of power. Not to mention we're told to place women on pedestals in the first place.
Ya know I'm just fuckin' around right? I mean yea what your saying makes some sense but fuck me if I care enough to analyze it like I'm looking to solve some kinda rubix twat.
Meh, I think you just have to show them in some way that you are just as emotionally sensitive as them but are told not to show it.

I had an ex who gave me serious trust issues because when I, a sixteen-year-old, self-loathing, depressed loser opened up to her about it, she responded with a "you shouldn't feel that way because I love you" and then proceeded to act like the reason that didn't immediately fix it all was because I was an asshole. She was fifteen and immature, but the scenario didn't even come close to happening the other way around. I was constantly patient with her and her insecurities, and if I ever seemed like I wasn't, she'd get mad.

On the other hand, she'd force me to open up to her, and eventually I stopped, because even though my problems were stupid, they took years of reinforcement to build up, and I hardly ever told anyone about them, so it was just a huge mess of me getting really fragile, her being a bitch, then her acting like I'm an asshole for not opening up to her after everything. One weekend, she made me think about stuff I tried to keep myself from thinking about on a regular basis that I didn't want to face, and then decided, "hey, let's go shopping later. Oh? You're having a panic attack? You're an asshole."

So just don't go about it like I did. Do it slowly. If you show them all at once that you have feelings and insecurities just as much as they do, it shocks them and they don't like it.