Males and Females

It's something asserted by men and women, and then men are told to see a relationship as following a procedure to please the woman to get sex, and so women are put in a position of power.

By Hera! You've discovered the secret to women's power! There will be a literary renaissance based on this!
it's just so frustrating that women don't seem to want sex

what i mean is, not in the same way men do

the whole "relationship thing" is really just the man trying to get laid, where the male is going about doing things that don't come naturally just so he can "seduce" a female and convince her to have sex with him

women get horny, a married woman might call her husband at work and say "i want to have sex tonight" or something like that

but at the begining of a sexual-type relationship, the girl's not really doing anything, employed girls won't start paying for dinner/movie dates untill after you start having sex, girls won't act abnormally to try to seduce a guy, married women cheating on their husbands aren't using Giggalos (at least not in america), threesomes are always the man's idea, women always insist on free movies/dinners BEFORE deciding whether or not she's going to have sex with you, and at the end of the day it's really kinda annoying

i mean seriously when have you ever heard a female say "i'm so horny i'll fuck anything that moves"

i just wish females could be more sexually like males
All about perception. They don't want to be perceived as sluts. They have been raised to conform to be subservient and loyal to their fathers/husbands and to be perceived as potentially unfaithful would be to harm their chances of acquiring a protector.

But of course this is how they are socialized, which means mask their true nature, which is just as beastial as that of men. This is the root of female duplicity.

Read Euripides' Hippolytus for a "classic" example. Phaedra falls in love with her stepson, Hippolytus, who himself is a religious looney who took a vow of virginity. When he rejects her, to avoid social disgrace she hangs herself and leaves a suicide note claiming that Hippolytus raped her, and that she killed herself out of shame, the socially acceptable thing to do. Phaedra's husband Theseus reads the note and sends the innocent Hippolytus to his death.

Euripides was not a feminist.
I find this incredibly sad to read. The women whose company I keep are savvy enough to know that "slut" is a bullshit social construct, and that having more than a couple (consensual, not bad-luck gang-rape obviously) partners is only indicative of one thing: enjoyment of sex. To insist it's OK for men to do it but not for women to do it is hypocrisy.

One's personal/gut feelings on the matter are a whole other nother can of worms. Personally I would feel inadequate and competitive if my dude had 80 partners and I still only had a single digit number.
the whole "relationship thing" is really just the man trying to get laid, where the male is going about doing things that don't come naturally just so he can "seduce" a female and convince her to have sex with him

No, that's fucking dumb, you're fucking dumb. I could honestly care less about getting laid in comparison to actual companionship and the feeling of being loved... and I'm sure there are a lot of guys that are the same way.
To insist it's OK for men to do it but not for women to do it is hypocrisy.

Don't you think biology has a great deal to do with it?

What if I said it's unnatural for women?

Personally I would feel inadequate and competitive if my dude had 80 partners and I still only had a single digit number.

This also seems to be a modern "bullshit social construct"

See, I think the fact that we're supposed to follow a procedure to get laid is fucking stupid as fuck. The man shouldn't have to provide entertainment all the time. That was a big thing with this current breakup was that I didn't plan enough activities to do (because my ex had plenty of shit already planned anyway). I mean, if you tell me to plan something then I will go do it. I'm not going to go out of my way to do something though if I'd rather just sit around and be lazy.

Yeah fuck procedures. I'd rather fuck a drunk chick or someone that I don't have to waste time with in order to get it in. The best is when girls are already into you. Far less effort required.
Agreeing with Ozz. I feel like women in particular, but society in general thrive so much on group social activities or events that aren't worth the effort you put into them. So much of it boils down to people reinforcing their ego through proving to themselves they're better in some way than people they don't even know or care about. Generally through high maintenance activities that leave you wondering afterwards "So much effort... for this?"

I think I read a quote somewhere that people who make their lives excessively busy, noisy, crowded, etc. are just creating mental interference so they can feel more alive and not have to face their own mortality.
Agreeing with Ozz. I feel like women in particular, but society in general thrive so much on group social activities or events that aren't worth the effort you put into them. So much of it boils down to people reinforcing their ego through proving to themselves they're better in some way than people they don't even know or care about. Generally through high maintenance activities that leave you wondering afterwards "So much effort... for this?"

I think I read a quote somewhere that people who make their lives excessively busy, noisy, crowded, etc. are just creating mental interference so they can feel more alive and not have to face their own mortality.

Because most times, the men do shit to appease the women. I mean, we were taking dance classes and shit and I actually enjoyed that, but there was some other stuff we did that I couldn't give a fuck about to be completely honest.

I'm probably destined to be a bachelor my whole life unless I can find a woman who is exactly like me. I hope she is hot.
Agreeing with Ozz. I feel like women in particular, but society in general thrive so much on group social activities or events that aren't worth the effort you put into them. So much of it boils down to people reinforcing their ego through proving to themselves they're better in some way than people they don't even know or care about. Generally through high maintenance activities that leave you wondering afterwards "So much effort... for this?"

I think I read a quote somewhere that people who make their lives excessively busy, noisy, crowded, etc. are just creating mental interference so they can feel more alive and not have to face their own mortality.

Depends on your priorities. Some people find group activities intrinsically meaningful, whereas others are more introverted and get more out of their own thoughts or of those in a book or the like. If you pursue group activities but your chief motivation is to see it as a means to an end (sex), then you are metaphysically extracting yourself from appreciating the activity as an end in itself and that isolation perpetuates your misery.

So of course humans do things with one another as existential safeguards against the threat of nihilism. What else do we have?
You guys should look up Josh Pellicer, who wrote the tao of badass book. I read some things from him and they seem pretty interesting. Supposedly he has a bunch of techniques that get chicks to become attracted to you.