Males and Females

Given evolutionary theory, shouldn't there be, over time, changes to reproductive factors in men and/or women to circumvent birth control efforts?

Nature finds a way.

There already is. Sex without contraception is way better than sex with condoms or BC methods - side effects of the pill, patch, etc are usually stuff like "unwanted weight gain," "terrible skin," "zero libido," "difficulty achieving orgasm" - all things that make people want to go off it. For guys pulling out or using condoms doesn't feel as good as bareback creampies.
Sorry for being a

I find this incredibly sad to read. The women whose company I keep are savvy enough to know that "slut" is a bullshit social construct, and that having more than a couple (consensual, not bad-luck gang-rape obviously) partners is only indicative of one thing: enjoyment of sex. To insist it's OK for men to do it but not for women to do it is hypocrisy.

One's personal/gut feelings on the matter are a whole other nother can of worms. Personally I would feel inadequate and competitive if my dude had 80 partners and I still only had a single digit number.

Those kind of changes wouldn't happen unless birth control weren't an option. Even if those traits do mutate, they'll be lost amongst the huge amount of people who are going to reproduce without those traits.
Yeah sure, never mind the fact that all those chicks will probably use a contraceptive to not have your kid.

More absolute statements. non sense. Getting women (especially ignorant women) pregnant is not hard at all. Plus, you ignore the fact that contraception changes the outcome but not what you are (which is what we are talking about)

This culture of women want to be like men or at least want to be regarded as equal when in comes to their sexuality. Which will never happen, unless you deal with and push around Beta males.
I hate to break it to you but there are two okcupids. Depending on how you get rated on there, it filters you into the hot one or the ugly one.

Please provide empirical evidence of this

That's because only desperate sows use OKC. Hot chicks don't use dating websites at all because men are constantly throwing themselves at them so it's easy for the hot ones to get dates.

What Zeph said. That site was purchased by and is a bit more credible. There are more attractive women on there than 3-4 years ago. Also more fat chicks, but whatever.
I think I met the female version of myself. We kept saying each other's thoughts, and we like pretty much all of the same things and exhibit the same traits. I feel like talking to her for a bunch of hours (that went by pretty quickly) has made me know myself better. It's weird. Awesome, but weird.
More absolute statements. non sense. Getting women (especially ignorant women) pregnant is not hard at all. Plus, you ignore the fact that contraception changes the outcome but not what you are (which is what we are talking about)

This culture of women want to be like men or at least want to be regarded as equal when in comes to their sexuality. Which will never happen, unless you deal with and push around Beta males.

You are not reading my posts, but I understand it's very Alpha to have to feel like you have the last word and have cowed down the insolent uppity female.
I can't stand this alpha and beta bullshit. I think alphas appear insecure as fuck. They paint life as this game of dominance that many people, me included, aren't playing, and have such an offended reaction when it's made known to them. Just from reading stuff written by PUA's and personally speaking with some, they seem to have a great deal of insecurity and base their worth on ability to pick up women and not care about other people's opinions, when the reason they do those things is to impress others. All you have to do is give a sarcastic "that's cool" while they're bragging and watch them get pissed off to see how insecure they are.

I think behind every alpha is a total beta, because only someone who's insecure enough to call themselves beta would be concerned with this alpha and beta crap. I personally don't think feeling good about myself makes me better than others, and would rather have an actual relationship with a woman than constant sex with different women. PUA's I met that I've told this to (that I'd rather just have a relationship), rather than thinking "yay, less competition" start accusing me of being insecure. I think they just can't stand the thought of someone who's satisfied with themselves without constantly seeking sex from different women.

I remember several posts on Chateau Heartiste (if the fact that it looks like he writes his posts, then goes over them with a thesaurus doesn't look insecure, then I don't know what does) about reasons some people don't like "game" as they call it. And the conclusion is that people who don't are just beta. No, some people just don't like what they like, and I think they can't stand that thought. They see themselves as winners of a game of who can bang the most chicks and be the most confident, and seeing people who aren't playing that game, who aren't looking up to them for what they do, who don't think of themselves as losers and aren't calling them winners, just infuriates them.
It's the male equivalent. For women, I think it's mostly about who looks best. For men, it's this vague idea of who's the most awesome, mostly measured by a vague idea of superiority based on how many women one can have sex with, how much money one makes, and how confident and dominant one is.
Jesus. You sound like the people I complained about. All I care about is enjoying myself, and helping others do the same. I couldn't care less how "beta" that makes me sound.
Well, you said what I said sounded beta as fuck, so I was responding to that. If that's off-topic, I could use clarification. If I'm missing the point, explain it, and if I'm denial, explain what I'm in denial of.

Regardless, I guess I don't know the definition of alpha and beta you're using. I assumed alpha meant dominant and beta meant subordinate based on where those letters are in the Greek alphabet, and the way I've seen alpha used around the internet. It seemed to mean people who are superior, based on achievements and successes, and beta means inferior, based on fear, desperation, and failure. I don't live my life by such a contest, and that's why I get tired of seeing this alpha and beta crap thrown around everywhere.

But you honestly sound like a reflection of those people I was talking about. The first thing they say when I say that I don't care about being alpha or beta, more just doing what I want to do, having fun, and helping others, is that that means I must be a beta.
I really don't care about any of this. I just want to have sex with as many women as I can without getting an std before I die. No long term relationships, no children.

and it's hard for me to see a woman with that same perspective. Is it really even possible?
yes. they are just a small minority that you probably find undesirable because they have had as many or more partners as yourself.
Onder, what?

Kramp, not necessarily. I've been with my fair share of "whores". Shit, they're way better in bed. The only problem is they usually have major character flaws. Not that I don't.