Males and Females

I only expect them to look good and have sex with me. Is that so unrealistic?

No, but you're a single case. I'm talking collectively.

In my sociology class, at one point in the year the class would separate the men and the women and have each write out exactly what they'd want in the opposite sex, and my teacher has said the same exact thing happens every single time with every single class every single year: the men list a bunch of very exact physical characteristics, while the women list a bunch of personality traits. Ultimately, my teacher put it like this, "the guys want a porn star and the girls want a character from a romantic comedy."

I've also been reading discussions about gender issues on a related basis, and they echo this same thing. It seems men are socialized to want an attractive woman with little emotional needs and high physical needs, while women are socialized to want a funny, nice, helpful, but confident and self-sufficient man who is faithful, satisfied by their affection, and is devoid of insecurity. It's not like people like this don't exist, but they're a minority.

But what keeps coming out in the discussions eventually is that these are bad expectations to have as men and women are not all too different at the core. Sure, there are some differences in brain anatomy, but they're far less deterministic than culture. If brain anatomy determined gender roles, then gender roles of all cultures in history would be the exact same.

Look at this sexy kurva. I went out with two girls like this, totally screwed it up and here I am, all by myself.
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There might already be a term for this, but I'm coining the phrase "iceberg women." They are women who, if you only judged by their heads, do not appear fat, but if you extrapolate from the width of their shoulders in the photo, realize there's more than meets the eye.
Not really. Feminism and liberalness are values spearheaded by white women and token matriarchal cultures of color.

WOOT DATE. What are you gonna do? Don't eat before sex. Bang first then eat a huge meal!
I'm sick of chavs and liberal women. That's basically all white women. Fuck.

I like my women to be pretty centrist. Of course I don't want a militant feminist vegan Hari Krishna, but a submissive Mormon teetotaler wouldn't do either. My wife is pragmatic, in a good way.
I assume by chavs you mean what we in the states call wiggers. Yeah, I hate them too. Those girls tend to be very flirtatious, however. Every time I talk to one, it's about 30 seconds before she starts to call me "honey", "sweetie", and "baby".
Not really. Feminism and liberalness are values spearheaded by white women and token matriarchal cultures of color.

WOOT DATE. What are you gonna do? Don't eat before sex. Bang first then eat a huge meal!

I was thinking politically and economically liberal and not socially.
I'm not sure how to respond to this:

I have a thing for manly beards
They have to be thick and burly
I like to feel a sense of safety in them, to the point of l where I could crawl into it for safe hiding. Haha