Males and Females

What does me being annoyed by everyone making snide remarks towards a problem that took me a while to type up have to do with me being psychotic?
@ Obscure Infinity

i solved your problem
the answer to your problem is really so so fucking simple that i can't understand why it's not obvious to you
or why no one else mentioned it

okay... drumroll...
you need to start fucking someone else
that's it, just fuck someone else
what you're feeling is jealousy
and you're in a situation where fucking someone else is obviously the only thing you can actually do
some guy that's fucked her before is just now returning to america from another country and he's specifically returning to the city she's in (as opposed to the city(ies) where his family/friends are at, you imply)
he's going to fuck her, that's going to happen, stopping that from happening is going to horrendously fuck up your relationship with her (and possibly him) and it's just not worth the fucking effort
what you really need is just let him fuck her and deal with it
and get your mind to a place where him fucking her doesn't bother you
and the only way to do that is for you to start fucking other people
What does me being annoyed by everyone making snide remarks towards a problem that took me a while to type up have to do with me being psychotic?

Because you're expecting sympathy after we repeatedly have been telling you to remove this bitch completely from your life as it is causing you nothing but misery. You tell us you had no feelings for her anymore and didn't want to get back together with her, yet then you whine about being jealous and being pissed off because she's fucking other guys. Get on with your life.
Because you're expecting sympathy after we repeatedly have been telling you to remove this bitch completely from your life as it is causing you nothing but misery. You tell us you had no feelings for her anymore and didn't want to get back together with her, yet then you whine about being jealous and being pissed off because she's fucking other guys. Get on with your life.

but cutting her out of his life wouldn't even be neccassarry if he just started fucking other people
:lol: Well at least that's better than the rest of the responses I got. Of course it's ideal for me to fuck other people but we've been broken up since August and I haven't had a whole lot of success in that department (none in fact). I honestly forgot how much I suck at being single and I've had a tendency to choke up when talking to chicks that seem interested in me since I have been. I simply don't know how to make conversation with someone I just met.
:lol: Well at least that's better than the rest of the responses I got. Of course it's ideal for me to fuck other people but we've been broken up since August and I haven't had a whole lot of success in that department (none in fact). I honestly forgot how much I suck at being single and I've had a tendency to choke up when talking to chicks that seem interested in me since I have been. I simply don't know how to make conversation with someone I just met.

i think maybe you're being sub-conscienciously masochistic
i think maybe you fell in love with her BECAUSE she has a boyfriend

we, as humans, want what we can't have just because can't have it

black people want to be treated equal to white people, gay people want to be treated equal to straight people, women want to be treated equal to men, and white hetero males want to walk on Mars, why do we want these things??? we want them just because we know they'll never happen, and sometimes we think a specific female is more spectacular than she really is just because she already has a boyfriend, sometimes a guy wants a girl just simply because she's unavailable

i think Obscure Infinity might be subconciously doing the same masochistic thing Vimana was doing a few pages ago
i think maybe at this point Obscure Infinity want the girl that's already moved on just simply because she's moved on, and i think Obscure Infinity is prolly just having the tendency to "choke up" around other women just simply because they're not the one he wants

if you want a girl that reads the same books as you, go meet a girl in a bookstore, if you want to meet a girl that's a juggallette, go flirt with girls at the gathering of the juggalos, if you want a girl that's into anime, go meet girls at A-Kon or Anime-Fest, or just meet girls on facebook where the girl already knows your interests from your facebook wall before she even starts talking to you

this ^^^ is how to meet women
Because you're expecting sympathy after we repeatedly have been telling you to remove this bitch completely from your life as it is causing you nothing but misery. You tell us you had no feelings for her anymore and didn't want to get back together with her, yet then you whine about being jealous and being pissed off because she's fucking other guys. Get on with your life.

I'm not expecting sympathy, I'm expecting advice about my current situation so it would be nice to get that instead of being informed of how fucking dumb and jealous I am.

I was getting over her just fine until she wanted to be friends with benefits, which I stupidly accepted (k? See now you guys don't have to tell me how dumb that was). She started to get emotionally attached to me again and I, again, moronically followed suit.

I mean it's obvious that I should just move on but it's easier said than done.
I have a pretty hawt tutor and she happens to be around my age. She actually has a really cool personality. Yesterday we looked for a book for me to read and I ended up getting a book. She txted me earlier to see if I started reading it yet. I had a good time.
I'm not expecting sympathy, I'm expecting advice about my current situation so it would be nice to get that instead of being informed of how fucking dumb and jealous I am.

I was getting over her just fine until she wanted to be friends with benefits, which I stupidly accepted (k? See now you guys don't have to tell me how dumb that was). She started to get emotionally attached to me again and I, again, moronically followed suit.

I mean it's obvious that I should just move on but it's easier said than done.

What sort of advice are you expecting? You yourself said you're done with her. Make good on that this time.
i think Obscure Infinity might be subconciously doing the same masochistic thing Vimana was doing a few pages ago
i think maybe at this point Obscure Infinity want the girl that's already moved on just simply because she's moved on, and i think Obscure Infinity is prolly just having the tendency to "choke up" around other women just simply because they're not the one he wants

She didn't "move on" until yesterday and I'm still not convinced that she won't come crawling back again like she has several times before (and yes, I'm going to make sure not to accept it this time). Also, I don't know for sure if she was originally planning on getting with this guy but I'm sure she is now since she's cut off all contact with me.

In any case, I'm honestly just shy around women. I don't know how to talk to them.

Zephyrus, it's harder to move on when you're not the one who did the "moving on" first. She has the higher ground and when she comes back, it's hard not to look at it as a "second chance" or something. All I'm saying is that it's easy for me to say that I'll move on indefinitely now but if she comes back, that's the real trial.
I used to be really shy around women too, and strangers in general. I've become much more extroverted in the last few years though, one of my strategies is to just talk to people like you already know them. I mean, obviously you don't, but just talk to them like you would a friend. Be friendly, smile, show interest in them, ask about their interests, speak confidently about your own. Talk about things that you can be confident about, things that highlight your qualities. You could also grow a beard, then people will talk to you all the time. Random people say something about my beard on a daily basis, sometimes that primes a conversation. Just try to be more outgoing! It takes practice.
I seriously don't have a problem doing that with anyone except girls I find attractive and even more so when it's obvious that they find me attractive. My conversational skills go into lock-down mode.

I'm blonde so I don't get the luxury of growing a beard.
I seriously don't have a problem doing that with anyone except girls I find attractive and even more so when it's obvious that they find me attractive. My conversational skills go into lock-down mode.

I'm blonde so I don't get the luxury of growing a beard.

i actually have the same problem
not the beard thing, the shiny black color of my facial hair really sharply contrasts the non-shiny sort of pale tan-ish color of my facial skin

but seriously
i have a serious problem talking to girls that i find sexually atractive, when i'm looking at a girl that i find sexually attractive, my brain totally shuts down and i completely forget how to speak coherently

but then when i'm talking to a girl that i find sexually repulsive, i somehow end up talking to her non-stop until she thinks i'm the sexiest guy alive

and then because i'm always horny-as-hell, i quite frequently have sex with girls i find sexually repulsive, it's weird, the girls i'm fucking look nothing like the girls that i'm looking at when i'm jacking-off

i know this will sound as wierd as hell, but i frequently get laid by walking up to the ugliest girl in the room and convincing her that i think she's sexy
The problem at bars is keeping the chick interested enough to stick around for more than five minutes. I feel like I'm being rigidly timed every time I get the opportunity to talk to a chick that suits my interest.
if you want a girl that reads the same books as you, go meet a girl in a bookstore, if you want to meet a girl that's a juggallette, go flirt with girls at the gathering of the juggalos, if you want a girl that's into anime, go meet girls at A-Kon or Anime-Fest, or just meet girls on facebook where the girl already knows your interests from your facebook wall before she even starts talking to you

this ^^^
and just skip the bars altogether
So I took a chance and told my ex how I really felt about her (fallen in love with her, etc) and she said that it wouldn't have changed anything even if I had said it while in the relationship. That got me to turn the corner on this episode..

:lol: Well at least that's better than the rest of the responses I got. Of course it's ideal for me to fuck other people but we've been broken up since August and I haven't had a whole lot of success in that department (none in fact). I honestly forgot how much I suck at being single and I've had a tendency to choke up when talking to chicks that seem interested in me since I have been. I simply don't know how to make conversation with someone I just met.

In any case, I'm honestly just shy around women. I don't know how to talk to them.

We share the same affliction. I think I've become better at talking to women I don't know in the past year or so. I had a date about a week ago with this chick I met off match and I honestly wasn't nervous at all for whatever reason and found it really easy to talk to her. This wasn't the case like 2-3 years ago when girls would hit on me in the bar and I'd just stare blankly.