Jimmy... Dead.
contemplative curmudgeon
As long as there is some sexual aversion from each side, it can work. It being a mutual break-up doesn't hurt either.
I mean, let's be real. If you're actually excited to talk to someone you're going to respond quickly. Waiting for some prescribed number of hours/days is for morons. Fast results!
Best sex ever yesterday!
I'm not sure a time frame can be put on it, but this is definitely true. I'm confident this is what will happen with me and my ex. We have too many common viewpoints to not establish discourse again in the future.
And I mean that as an example to follow. She's likely ignoring you because you represent a part of her past that she needs to overcome in order to realign herself. Trying to be friends with you only brings pain.
Yeah, RJ. What these guys said is true. I attempted being friends with my ex and then she started dating other guys and I had to unfriend her. It was just racking my brain trying to figure out where she was, who she was with, etc.
You have to realize that the relationship probably wasn't going to work anyway. I'm just now starting to realize that. There were too many bad things about the relationship and not enough good (mainly on her side because she had tons more issues than me). Take this time to improve yourself and do shit you enjoy doing.
2013 is going to be a year of reflection for me.
How long have you been broken up? It sounds like you're still too emotionally attached, which means you shouldn't be in contact with her at all, or at least as little as possible. Hanging/texting/calling etc. is just gonna keep you from moving on. If the friendship is meant to be, you will able to reestablish it in a year or two.
Butt, was it a mutual break?
I'm not sure a time frame can be put on it, but this is definitely true. I'm confident this is what will happen with me and my ex. We have too many common viewpoints to not establish discourse again in the future.
Not really. I had no say in the breakup. It was more an "oh, guess I'm single again, real glad I was involved in that decision" situation.
We've been broken up since August... it's been a long road of defriending/refriending/talking/not talking since then. And tbh I'm still head-over-heels. But I'm willing to put that aside to be friends. I've put up with her having boyfriends and crushes and rubbing them in my face just to be able to talk. But now she doesn't even seem to want to talk to me.
Tbh she claims to "still love me"; I still love her too, but I'm not gonna tell her that. I don't even want to go back out, I just wish she'd begin a conversation every now and then.
Oh I know her and I wouldn't work. In all honesty, she has major issues, committal issues especially and that doesn't fly with me, so her and I going out again is not even on my mind.
We've been broken up since August... it's been a long road of defriending/refriending/talking/not talking since then. And tbh I'm still head-over-heels. But I'm willing to put that aside to be friends. I've put up with her having boyfriends and crushes and rubbing them in my face just to be able to talk. But now she doesn't even seem to want to talk to me.
Not really. I had no say in the breakup. It was more an "oh, guess I'm single again, real glad I was involved in that decision" situation.
If you contact a girl too quickly her brain goes through a process like this: Why is he contacting me already?-->he must be desperate--> why is he desperate?-->there must be something wrong with him: looks for character flaws that might explain desperateness and inevitably either finds some or concocts something-->interest in guy decreases.
Tbh she claims to "still love me"; I still love her too, but I'm not gonna tell her that. I don't even want to go back out, I just wish she'd begin a conversation every now and then.
Oh I know her and I wouldn't work. In all honesty, she has major issues, committal issues especially and that doesn't fly with me, so her and I going out again is not even on my mind.
We've been broken up since August... it's been a long road of defriending/refriending/talking/not talking since then. And tbh I'm still head-over-heels. But I'm willing to put that aside to be friends. I've put up with her having boyfriends and crushes and rubbing them in my face just to be able to talk. But now she doesn't even seem to want to talk to me.
Not really. I had no say in the breakup. It was more an "oh, guess I'm single again, real glad I was involved in that decision" situation.
I take "desperate" to mean a person's not interested in any unique character qualities in a particular person and just wants to fuck something for its own sake as a (in reality temporary) means of feeling more secure.
Tbh she claims to "still love me"; I still love her too, but I'm not gonna tell her that. I don't even want to go back out, I just wish she'd begin a conversation every now and then.
Haha I used to think that way when I was in a long-term relationship. And then I became single and now follow every one of those stupid prescribed rules. Why? Because women overthink things (guys probably do too, but since I don't have to deal with them I couldn't tell you how).
If you contact a girl too quickly her brain goes through a process like this: Why is he contacting me already?-->he must be desperate--> why is he desperate?-->there must be something wrong with him: looks for character flaws that might explain desperateness and inevitably either finds some or concocts something-->interest in guy decreases.
When I'm single I achieve like 95% success by being direct, and if I am interested in a guy I would never dismiss quickness to initiate conversation as "desperate" or anything of the like. I'd just be like, "sweet now we can get to know each other faster, this is exciting." I also believe in "multiple soulmate theory" and know I'm not dumb or ugly, so that probably helps.
"Desperate" comes out when someone gets possessive/needy or is way too quick with insincere or unwanted compliments. It's hard to pinpoint but basically being dependent on your current romantic pursuits for life satisfaction/happiness (like The Butt or Ozzman in their recent posts) would be what I consider "desperate."
I totally agree and appriciate your approach, but realitsically a very small number of woman make the distinction you make. Or they just like to make the guy work for them. Or it's a matter of wanting what they think they can't have. Whatever the reason, the vast majority of women are turned off by guys that conact them too quickly or frequently at first.
basically being dependent on your current romantic pursuits for life satisfaction/happiness (like The Butt or Ozzman in their recent posts) would be what I consider "desperate."