Males and Females


This thread keeps getting worse and fucking worse. That bitch wasn't in love with some other dude, she was just starved for attention and wanted you to be her little cuddle play toy for the night.

Are you fucking serious?!
I just spent about 5 debaucherous days with German girl. Had shitloads of fun. I went and met her at the bar she works at on Friday night and spent the next however many days drinking and hanging and fucking and going out and seeing bands and laughing and wrestling and giving each other shit. She also likes metal and just good music in general and introduced me to lots of good stuff I haven't heard. She has a great sense of humour and after I drunkenly professed my undying love for her at some point she proceeded to give me shit about it regularly for the rest of the time we hung out. I'm pretty much sure that nothing serious can or will come of this as she's most definitely a 'free spirit' but I'm just trying to have as much fun as I can with her while she's around.

Sigh. :Spin:
People want what they can't or won't have. You may have intuitively sensed this from the onset which is why you're trying to have such a good time with her. Sucks bro, just make the most of it. This has happened to be a couple times as well.
Lol fat chicks.

... and if she has the hots for somebody else, why would she make out with you and then not fuck you?

Yeah fuck that fat chick. The worst part is she tried it twice in a row. Probably would have tried it again if I didn't get up.

It doesn't sound like they're in a defined relationship, so maybe that's as far as she feels like she can go without compromising what thy have. I don't really know and didn't really want to inquire beyond what she told me.

Wait, what?

Did you forget to tell us you were both high on mescaline or something?

Didn't do any drugs yesterday, so we were totally sober when that happened.


This thread keeps getting worse and fucking worse. That bitch wasn't in love with some other dude, she was just starved for attention and wanted you to be her little cuddle play toy for the night.

Are you fucking serious?!

I can see why you would think this but she definitely didn't make up the other guy. It is possible that she wouldn't have sex with me even if it wasn't for the other guy, but I'm not sure at this point. Either way it felt amazing being intimate with her and I feel like I learned more about what it means to be a human being from the whole experience.
If that's really the case then it's all the more necessary that both of you put a moratorium on talking to each other for a good long while. She just happens to be more resolute than you on this approach.

If you claim to have these emotions, then you should have the gumption to commit to what I propose above.

I want to, but it's really difficult. I still think about her often. I'm starting to regret going out with her for as long as I did because of the fact that I fall really fast in relationships (a fault I'm fully aware I have)

She's playing with your heart. And you want her to be your friend?

I'm a terribly forgiving person. Hell, she cheated on me while she was with me, for a guy who goes to her university. I forgave her for it. Goes to show how much of a pushover I can be.

See above. She clearly values you less as a person.

Feels like she does indeed. I don't think she values me very highly at all, but I'm still just drawn to her... even if just for friendship.

Then be glad she isn't talking to you that much. You're setting yourself up to fall on your face. Normally people don't expect much if any contact with their ex's much less expect their ex to initiate contact with them. Set your eyes elsewhere. Your expectations show that even if you 'understand' it won't work with you two, you would still fall for it if presented to you.

I would never go back out with her. Never ever.

The main reason I "expect" her to initiate contact is just cause I hate being on bad terms with people. Especially people I grew to be really intimate and close to. :/ Makes me feel like it's somehow my fault all these bad things happened.
I'm not giving up on you, RJ. You deserve to see sense.

I want to, but it's really difficult. I still think about her often. I'm starting to regret going out with her for as long as I did because of the fact that I fall really fast in relationships (a fault I'm fully aware I have)

Convert that regret into antipathy.

I'm a terribly forgiving person. Hell, she cheated on me while she was with me, for a guy who goes to her university. I forgave her for it. Goes to show how much of a pushover I can be.

The willingness to forgive is admirable in friendships (though risks being walked all over), but in relationships is a sure sign of weakness. If you were dating for only a few months and were cheated upon, then that should tell you all you need to know about the value of that person to you, and how she values you.

Feels like she does indeed. I don't think she values me very highly at all, but I'm still just drawn to her... even if just for friendship.

It seems like you have nothing to derive from a friendship with her but pain.

I would never go back out with her. Never ever.

The main reason I "expect" her to initiate contact is just cause I hate being on bad terms with people. Especially people I grew to be really intimate and close to. :/ Makes me feel like it's somehow my fault all these bad things happened.

I know that feeling. I've been that way with my ex-girlfriends for a long time. But then I realized how needlessly painful and stupid it was to expect that. I need not quote Marcus Aurelius to tell you that what other people think of you is the last thing that should define who you are.