Males and Females

Well, it's been a long time since I've posted anything about myself in here, and stuff is happening, so...

I came back home for winter break and it looks like I have rekindled an old flame. This is good and bad (most of my friends would say it's bad) and confusing. I was dating a girl here for a while during winter and spring of 2012 and the whole thing went to shit and I was depressed for a couple months. Then I moved out to Seattle and have been there for a few months, and it looked like that whole thing was ancient history.

I went to a new year's party the other night and she showed up. We were not on particularly good terms at that point and I had planned on ignoring her the whole night. I was having a good time anyway. At some point in the night she just started standing next to me, and then she started saying things to me (none of which I remember because I was tanked). So somehow we ended up outside by ourselves and she apologized for a bunch of stuff and we swapped spit under the moonlight.

Yesterday she started texting me and subtly suggesting that we should see each other again, so we agreed to hang out. We hung out tonight. It was something else. I'm telling ya, I've never had that kind of chemistry with somebody. I forgot what it was like with her. So now I don't know what's up. I implied that tonight was "goodbye" and she freaked out about that a bit, so I don't think she wants this to be it. She might come to Seattle to visit at some point. I feel like this is a recipe for another heartbreak, but at the same time we both agree that we are addicted to each other. It's kind of fucked up. Also, she looks fucking amazing now. Good lord. I feel vindicated, but pretty scared that shit is going to hit the fan again. We are pretty much doomed, I think. I mean, I have my stuff going on over there and have absolutely no plans of moving back home, and she has her thing going here, so it's going to come to a point where we just accept that and then we're going to be unhappy. But fucking shit...having some more time with her feels totally worth it right now.

I know that feel bro. Sometimes you just have to live in the moment and take it for what it is/was. I know that despite my recent run ins with girls being somewhat psychotic, I still had a great time and will do my best only to reflect on the good things about that person and the good times we had, in particular with my relationship with Ashley which I still have hang ups about at times. Positive vibrations, ya dig? Luck to you, sir.

edit: I realize my advice doesn't seem to make much sense given the post above this one, but I got over that whole thing pretty quickly.
My FB chats with Krampus are very brief and not deep at all. Same with you KR and sometimes Ananth drops me a line (those are always full of lulz). Anyway, I've been having this whole personal conundrum about feminism and women in general. I really hate broads sometimes, you guys dig? Of course people in general suck, but the skirts are bunch of yucks, and I ain't whistlin' dixie.
Real talk time.

Nice little insight to the world of women. I might do a little update on that weirdo chick today if she goes for a beer with me. Last time I asked her about when we should do that she answered "I'm afraid of what might happen on our third date because you kissed me on the second". D'uh.
"I don't want to decide anything".

Tell her to shut her whore mouth and go back to grade school then and live with mommy and daddy. Whorechild.
Nice little insight to the world of women. I might do a little update on that weirdo chick today if she goes for a beer with me. Last time I asked her about when we should do that she answered "I'm afraid of what might happen on our third date because you kissed me on the second". D'uh.

Yeah, spill it!

"I don't want to decide anything".

Tell her to shut her whore mouth and go back to grade school then and live with mommy and daddy. Whorechild.


Can anyone here with experience on PoF explain to me why the fuck after like two or three times clicking on "My profile" that it clears the whole goddamn thing? I keep having to copy paste what I wrote for it. My username was RussiaOnIce but I changed it because after a Google search I found that mods wipe people's profiles with the word Russia on there. It's really starting to piss me off because the girls I've messaged look at my profile and I don't know if they saw it blank or not. God damn it.
I tried to get some really hot Czech girl I dated (once) to try dying her hair auburn but she wasn't impressed by the idea.
What if he literally snogged her face off? Let's think about that. What if that face is kept in a little cardboard box in his closet? Sometimes it gets taken out for nostalgia, or so he can smell it. Maybe it gets taken out and placed on the counter while he's cooking so it's like having company.
Wow Rick way to make it sound like I am literally the most passive and boring person one could ever hope to have the good fortune of speaking with in real time. I swear I'm not always that distracted.

Saparmurat, if it's any help, many women go through the same thing too - I'm sure you've heard the whole "I don't like girls, I get along with guys sooo much better" spiel from younger/insecure little ladies, IMO it's considered a rite of passage and maturity to realize that it's not "women," it's just "the women who make it their life's goal to justify misogyny."

And then you consider things like how we are socialized to behave in certain ways, how different the challenges faced by both sexes throughout life are, and then how everyone handles it in their own way which may be in your eyes "good" or "terribad," that's when everyone just starts to look like people.

/bleeding heart
Bro, don't be mad because you got a bad personality, and this just comes off as weird. If she doesn't want you, fuck cares? Plenty of bitches in the bitch sea.