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- Jul 30, 2008
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Uh oh, is her ex ObscureInfinity?

Did you make her wear a yellow star armband?

It's scary how that doesn't really scare me.
so go meet her face-2-face already
Uh oh, is her ex ObscureInfinity?
Did you make her wear a yellow star armband?
It's scary how that doesn't really scare me.
these 2 posts are about the SAME woman
she's still crazy
her nose is ugly
her ass is too small
her hips are too narrow
and at this point,
i'm still dating her just because it's so fucking obvious that she's completely, totally head-over-heels in-love with me and i can't break it off with her because i'm a really nice guy and i don't want to break her heart, and i kinda want to avoid having her breaking down and crying in the middle of the street again
yeah, i know, i just don't know how to break up with people
i'm the nicest guy i've ever met, except for this whole "extending a relationship i don't want" thing
So, I made a PoF account too, just to see if there were any girls on that aren't on OKC, maybe I'll get lucky. Well, I messaged this girl yesterday I think it was, just bullshitting and whatnot and she replied same day. Everything seemed cool, everything checked out as far as I could tell. I responded to her message again and she completely ignored what I said and sent me this one-liner:
MsAshleyAbbot26 1/2/2013 2:55:51 AM
how big is your cock?
And now here's a picture of her.
Either the troll is strong with this one or I'm about to get really lucky.
Why would anyone want to date themselves? I mean shit, I hardly like myself most of the time. So the idea of dating myself would make me want to commit suicide.
i think he already did a long time agoIs chromedome finally losing it?
no, each sentence still makes sense on it's own, he's just stopped using paragraphical structure or big spaces between subjectsIs chromedome finally losing it?
i think he already did a long time ago
but the media rollercoaster is so much funThe world is always on the verge of some crisis, at least if you ride the media rollercoaster.
The whole world is falling apart.
Well, it's been a long time since I've posted anything about myself in here, and stuff is happening, so...
I came back home for winter break and it looks like I have rekindled an old flame. This is good and bad (most of my friends would say it's bad) and confusing. I was dating a girl here for a while during winter and spring of 2012 and the whole thing went to shit and I was depressed for a couple months. Then I moved out to Seattle and have been there for a few months, and it looked like that whole thing was ancient history.
I went to a new year's party the other night and she showed up. We were not on particularly good terms at that point and I had planned on ignoring her the whole night. I was having a good time anyway. At some point in the night she just started standing next to me, and then she started saying things to me (none of which I remember because I was tanked). So somehow we ended up outside by ourselves and she apologized for a bunch of stuff and we swapped spit under the moonlight.
Yesterday she started texting me and subtly suggesting that we should see each other again, so we agreed to hang out. We hung out tonight. It was something else. I'm telling ya, I've never had that kind of chemistry with somebody. I forgot what it was like with her. So now I don't know what's up. I implied that tonight was "goodbye" and she freaked out about that a bit, so I don't think she wants this to be it. She might come to Seattle to visit at some point. I feel like this is a recipe for another heartbreak, but at the same time we both agree that we are addicted to each other. It's kind of fucked up. Also, she looks fucking amazing now. Good lord. I feel vindicated, but pretty scared that shit is going to hit the fan again. We are pretty much doomed, I think. I mean, I have my stuff going on over there and have absolutely no plans of moving back home, and she has her thing going here, so it's going to come to a point where we just accept that and then we're going to be unhappy. But fucking shit...having some more time with her feels totally worth it right now.
last night i had sex with a woman that i'll prolly never get to have sex with ever again, i'm in a social situation where i'll prolly see her every day from now till i get my money in 7 more business days, but i actually realized it was going to be a one-night-stand in the middle of intercourse, and it was still enjoyable, i'm prolly going to be able to have sex with some other people before my money gets here, and i'll prolly have a completely different woman move in with me when i get my apartment, but the one-night-stand was still fun
this cigarrette-smoking woman decided to get dressed in the middle of the night, saturday night, using her lighter as a flashlight, coudln't find her panties, put her "low rise" pants back on without underwear, and walked around all day with a short shirt and butt-cleavage showing all day sunday, she didn't want to be by herself so i followed her to eat breakfast here
then lunch here
and the whole time she was walking around showing butt-cleavage
after lunch she went to go pan-handle money to buy beer and only after she left did i realize that i somehow had her underwear in the huge knee-pocket of my cargo-pants, since i didn't know where she went to panhandle, i ended up spending all day yesterday with her underwear in my pocket![]()
i run into this girl at and i told her "hey, i found your underwear" and she said "don't worry about it just throw them away", i think she was with the guy she was panhandling with and this guy next to her was clearly her new boy toy, and it was kinda weird for me seeing this woman go from having sex with some other guy to having sex with me to having sex with a 3rd guy in 48 hours, but really only because she's clearly not trying to be any kind of hooker/escort/prostitute, she's just being a skanky slut
i saw her again, again trying to panhandle for beer money (think she's an alchoholic) she complained that some under-the-table-job-that hires homeless people refused to hire her when they saw her perscription bottle for bi-polar med, and she asked me to buy her "stripper shoes" so she could return to being a stripper, she'd left a bag of clothes at my camp when we got up Sunday morning and this morning she said she wasn't worried about them because she's already got new clothes (new to her) and that she hadn't made it to my camp to pick up her clothes because my camp was too far away and her feet hurt from walking around because she has no bus money
i've never seen her do anal, i've never seen her have sex for money, never seen her have sex with more than one person at a time, and i've never seen her INSIDE an actual church building, the church-type-free-food-things i've seen her go to were held outdoors
she just came into the building where i'm at and got online, not sure what floor she's on though, mostly cuz i don't really care
i just saw her in an ankle-length flowy, puffy skirt, and it was as weird as hell, she usually wears spandex-tight pants
Doctor Who isn't annoying!
The Daleks would disagree.
she lost the skirt, spent a whole 10 min bitching to me about it, so now she's back to wearing stretch-pants, which make me stare at her perfectly shaped jiggly ass
also saw her in make-up for the very first time
she's an alchoholic pothead, and her bi-polar med makes her as high as a kite so i figured her putting on make up would look crazy as hell like but suprizingly, it looked georgeuos, she's got the kind of georgous face that doesn't need any make-up, and the make-up was done so incredibly well that it made her unmistakeably the most gorgous woman in the crowded room, it was very surreal, also, having a one-night-stand and then seeing the girl every day isn't turning out to be anywhere near as bad as i expected
2 more posts about the same womansaw her this morning, again she had on this incredibly amazing make-up on, and she looked so freaking sexy i wanted to take a picture but i couldn't cuz i don't have access to a camera because someone else is walking around playing "angry birds" on the touch-screen camera-phone that i paid for
my friend who's getting paid on the 3rd has decided to buy me a hooker from