Males and Females

Got a tentative date for Friday evening depending on how this girl is feeling, she's been sick all week. I'm pretty stoked, she seems cool

She could be faking illness in order to have a "legitimate" excuse to blow you off. Not saying she's going to, but she wants insurance in case she changes her mind about you. Women do that.


My girlfriend's been really distant with me lately. Which sorta worries me as my ex-girlfriend, the long distance one, would only do that when she was mad at me. She sorta fucked me up. Eh. Maybe I'm just over-worrying.

I begin to wonder if "hasn't initiated a conversation with you in the past 12 hours" is your definition of distant.
My girlfriend's been really distant with me lately. Which sorta worries me as my ex-girlfriend, the long distance one, would only do that when she was mad at me. She sorta fucked me up. Eh. Maybe I'm just over-worrying.

You need to further define 'distant' in order for any of us to know if she is, or if you're killing yourself with false perceptions.
Good job Phlegethon, have fun getting out of that mess. Sometimes (most times) I feel like this thread is a competition of who can get into the dumbest interpersonal relationship situations. :lol:

Heh, indeed. I'm a pro at life.

Worked things out with my friend so that last night was more or less a non factor. The initial consensus with that was what is probably going to be the easy part.

Don't know how to respond to my ex wife's propositions short of "What?? No.".
I'm supposed to be seeing some hot girl tomorrow but I don't know if it's going to happen or not. She might change her mind or have never really wanted to go in the first place. Fuck.
She could be faking illness in order to have a "legitimate" excuse to blow you off. Not saying she's going to, but she wants insurance in case she changes her mind about you. Women do that.
Eh, she had made a post on fb about being sick a couple days before I started texting her
So yesterday's not-a-date followed every single expectation of mine. It went fucking awesome, we went to some bar in the centre, had beers and wines and talked for hours, laughed and shit. Now I'm pretty good at talking with a chick, or maybe it's her, I don't know. I had a lot of fun. But well I made it pretty clear I wanted to fuck her too not just talk and at one point I thought I was on a good way, she actually mentioned we can't do it on this weekend because of her period. But then she was cold again and didn't even kiss me under the moonlight. Bitch.

Now I'm still taking it well because I'm not in love with her yet, but I'm really starting to like her and I realized she is a very good company too, not just a clitoris with a cute body around it. I'm not falling in love tbh. No. Fuck this shit.