Males and Females

Oh man, that's a fucking fantastic idea! I have a bunch of naked pictures of her, but I'd have to get her to fellate me first to do that. That's the ultimate win/win situation.
Facebook is great for that, as it turns out.

But an email is more friendly, as it won't reveal his identity so the boyfriend can focus all of his angst on her.

Oh man, that's a fucking fantastic idea! I have a bunch of naked pictures of her, but I'd have to get her to fellate me first to do that. That's the ultimate win/win situation.

Well, what are you waiting for? Just make sure that shit is time stamped.
Nah I'm talking about when they shave/buzz one side of their hair and leave the rest of it long. Sometimes they'll have shapes and words styled into the shaved portion like "Beauty" or "Bby gurl".

i thought you were talking about a symetrical hair cut where both sides are shaved with the top "femininely spiked"

a non-symetrical haircut freaks me out anyway

and having one side shaved with the other side long always ends up kinda looking like she had to remove a patch of hair for a brain surgery