Males and Females

My date went pretty well this evening. We went out for drinks and ended up talking for like four hours, we have a lot in common. I walked her back to her car and she offered to give me a ride home. She gave me a hug before I got out, I did ask how she felt about whisker kisses after that though haha. She seemed a little tentative about that so I just said we'll see how she feels about that next time. I look forward to hanging out with her again, she is really cool.
i won't date a girl that's got little children, there's too much drama with that, and i won't do that whole awkward situation of me banging a mom and then having to interact with the father of the kid(s), i'm just not going to do that
when a woman with kids finds me attractive, it's always a cougar woman where her kids are the same age as me, that i can deal with

Interacting with kids is actually really easy if you have enough positive energy. In fact, my last long term relationship was really only stabilized for the amount of time it was because the gal was a fantastic lay and her kid was a true joy. The breakup left me missing her kid more than I missed her.

You're right about the drama, though I think that comes with youth and a lack of skills and wisdom, rather than with a kid.
Interacting with kids is actually really easy if you have enough positive energy. In fact, my last long term relationship was really only stabilized for the amount of time it was because the gal was a fantastic lay and her kid was a true joy. The breakup left me missing her kid more than I missed her.

You're right about the drama, though I think that comes with youth and a lack of skills and wisdom, rather than with a kid.

i don't have a problem interacting with kids
i interact with toddlers all the freaking time
i just can't deal with the whole thing where a father's uncomfortable with the mother of his kids dating someone else
it's like he's afraid his kids liking me more than they like him, like he's afraid of me "raising his kids the wrong way" or he's afraid of his kids calling me "daddy", you know??
it's that thing i can't deal with
but if the kids are already grown and out of the house
then it's not an issue
quite frequently i'll be hanging out with someone my age and all of a sudden, his/her mom will be sleeping with me