Um, I don't think you wanted to use the word fellatio; it doesn't mean what you think it means.
The only sex i've engaged in has just been anal.
If I was stuck with only one or the other, vag for sure*.
Don't know you guys very well, so have been trying to avoid these parts of the forum but fuck it.
I may be the only person completely grossed out by anal sex. :/
Should I be mad if my boyfriend forgets V-Day for the 5th year in a row? Ha.
2 coworkers asked me out, obviously declined but was kinda thinking evilly for a second.
How absurd. First, I love the fucked idea.(?) Second, the fact that it might even be a choice.
If by "training" you mean "lube", then yes, you would need lots of training.
Have you been drinking tonight Jimmy?