Males and Females

Jessica Nigri is pretty much my dream girl





I might dress up as a Zora for one of the days at Comic Con this year, but that's mostly because I have a friend who runs her own body painting business and she's a fucking badass.

That would be SWEET. I'd be Chun Li cause I look like her.

Cosplay and Halloween are kind of the same thing, I don't get the hate, it's just dressup.


I understand that it's often associated with weeaboo culture and a lot of folks find that group to be distasteful. I have kind of a bittersweet relationship with the whole thing because my sister's a Japanese Studies major and those personality types are inescapable for her, and she's my room mate. So I've learned to cope and relate to these outcasts in whatever small ways I can.
That would be SWEET. I'd be Chun Li cause I look like her.

Cosplay and Halloween are kind of the same thing, I don't get the hate, it's just dressup.

The difference is that most people dress up for Halloween. Some people take that Cosplay business WAY too seriously and start referring to themselves as these characters in every day life. That's where the gayness begins.

If I were a total faggot, I would go to these things dressed up as The Baroness from G.I. Joe.
The difference is that most people dress up for Halloween. Some people take that Cosplay business WAY too seriously and start referring to themselves as these characters in every day life. That's where the gayness begins.

Now, I'm not going to deny that someone like this exists somewhere, however from all the nerdy people I know and events i've attended I haven't met anymore that fits that bill. We can't make the exception the rule.

problems with this picture

i understand it's supposed to be a "celebrity" but seriously, next time, post a pic of a celebrity that i actually recognize

i hate the hair, both the color and also the cut/style

her face not only looks masculine, her face looks exactly like the face of a specific male that i hang out with

she has no boobs

seems pretty obvious that she's wearing a man's shirt
meh, good body shape but I'm more into slimness + high levels of facial beauty
yeah, what's up with the "slimness" thing?? seriously women are supposed to be curvy, like curvy enough that i can tell i'm looking at a female without having to examine the genitalia
Very pretty! Why can't the rest of you post photos of women who are actually good looking? I'm not just talking about "OMG NICE AZZ/TITS" or whatever. All around gorgeous creatures who don't look like total skanks. Good work, ChromeHeart.
i sometimes like the "OMG NICE AZZ/TITS" pics
i kinda like the pics of women that look like total skanks
Would Katherine Heigl count?
What are you talking about woman? All of the ladies I post are beautiful.
too thin
The lesbian look is a total turn off for me. But whatever. I suppose if I took some little blue pills I could bone Tegan and Sara.

correct me if i'm wrong
but i just kinda assumed Tegan and Sara were a 69-ing lesbian couple and that neither one of them would ever touch a penis in a million years
what's up with the cosplay hate??

i'm prolly gonna re-make my "dr hannibal lecter" costume for Animefest and A-Kon this year