Males and Females

The only pussy you get is homeless pussy and grandma too fat pussy.

I've got three women who want to fuck me at the minute.
There's a hot and probably gf material one too, but she's fucking Christian.

Religion is such a load of .. Fuck off. Let's have anal sex on the tabernacle and I'll lick your pussy in hell.
:lol: FUPAS!!!!

So on a serious note, I discovered today that the baby daddy has been accessing my Netflix account without consent. I use it mostly for my son to watch Bob the Builder, Thomas and Friends and Sesame Street. I became suspicious when programs we weren't watching appeared in the "recently watched" field...stupid shit about aliens, Hitler, The Bible and crazy conspiracy theory titles. I contacted Netflix who apparently fixed the issue, changed my password and then bitched out the ex. He claimed to use it only when my son was visiting which was a TOTAL lie.

I'm thinking it might be good to hook up my ex with my boyfriend's ex-wife. They would be a match made in Heaven...or maybe she'd be a better fit for m_c since she's a fat ugly beast with a FUPA!!! :lol:
If you're a female and get a compliment from ChromeHeart that doesn't suggest he thinks you're a beautiful, submissive, well mannered sex / chore slave a tattoo of said statement is damn near required, right?
problems with this picture

i understand it's supposed to be a "celebrity" but seriously, next time, post a pic of a celebrity that i actually recognize

i hate the hair, both the color and also the cut/style

her face not only looks masculine, her face looks exactly like the face of a specific male that i hang out with

she has no boobs

seems pretty obvious that she's wearing a man's shirt

1. i'm not here to please you, and she isn't exactly a celebrity but just the vocalist for a band i really like
2. good for you
3. oh no, whatever shall i do
4. small breasts can work just as well as large ones, on her small works
5. who the fuck cares? why does she have to wear clothing that is made for a specific gender in mind?
I get sick of all my woman hating. A lot of the time I wish I could just cuddle up with that beautiful Russian girl I dated again.