Males and Females

Someone might find someone ugly and another person might find that same person attractive. I don't really buy into the thing were people are ugly. We all look different and that's life.

yeah, i get the whole "we all look different" thing

someone posted a pic that was clearly a male, and then called the pic a "sexy female"
So I'm talking to this other girl now and her name is Ashley. :erk:

I'd post a pic for you guys but the past four times I've done that shit went south so maybe later or something, haha.

The only bad thing is she has a three year old son. I mean, I don't really care that much as long as I don't have to deal with the father if it ever comes to me being around her often. Not really ideal but whatever, we'll see what happens.

I do not think women with kids expect you to be their kids father, but if the kid wants to interact with you than you kinda half too. Ofcourse being with a female with kids who is batshit crazy is not ideal.
I was making reference to you calling her a man. If she was indeed a transgendered woman then calling her a man would be factually wrong.

In this case it is you forcing YOUR personal preferences onto an entire fucking SEX of people. Stop that - this isn't the 1800s.

i know what male-to-female transexuals look like, i just named 3 of them

the ones that actually get the breast implants and "live as a female"
they all look a million times more feminine than the female body builder in that freaking pic, like maybe she could just remove her breast tissue and live as a man
being with a female with kids who is batshit crazy is not ideal.

good point
seriously figure out exactly why she's not still with the father of the kid, or why she's not dating someone she actually knew while she was pregnant, a lot of women go totally completely batshit immediately after they give birth
i know what male-to-female transexuals look like, i just named 3 of them

the ones that actually get the breast implants and "live as a female"
they all look a million times more feminine than the female body builder in that freaking pic, like maybe she could just remove her breast tissue and live as a man

and again that is you basing what a woman should do based on YOUR idea of how sex/gender should be expressed
Because you look weird to me and I don't like interracial women. Someone might think otherwise, which is what I am implying in my post. That someone is not ugly or weird looking because someone might think so. Another person might think otherwise.
When it comes down to it. We're probably all fucking Alien creatures or something.
your post was not only merely offensive to bi-sexual people

it's also actually pretty offensive to slutty people that are not bi-sexual

think about it for a sec
if a completely gay guy decides to be a total slut and suck every dick he can find, that doesn't automatically mean that you can convince him to "be bisexual" and touch a woman's pussy

way to go man, you've offended 2 completely different categories of people with a single post

I'm not trying to say there's something wrong with that. But don't extol it as a virtue. If a gay guy is willing to fuck anyone with a penis, that doesn't mean he can congratulate himself on not being shallow, unlike those guys who only go for certain types.

However, I'm not saying bisexual=low standards. But bisexual people, on average, are less picky than monosexual people, simply because they find twice as many people attractive as they would if they were either gay or straight.

But, now, you say "if a gay guy decides to be a total slut," as though it were a choice. AS if to say that people don't choose to be gay, straight, or bi, but whether or not you're attracted to someone of your preferred gender - that's a choice. But I guess a guy could choose to suck every dick you could find, regardless of his sexuality, since that doesn't require arousal on his part. But why someone would want to, without some additional incentive, such as money, I have no idea.
I'm not trying to say there's something wrong with that. But don't extol it as a virtue. If a gay guy is willing to fuck anyone with a penis, that doesn't mean he can congratulate himself on not being shallow, unlike those guys who only go for certain types.

However, I'm not saying bisexual=low standards. But bisexual people, on average, are less picky than monosexual people, simply because they find twice as many people attractive as they would if they were either gay or straight.

But, now, you say "if a gay guy decides to be a total slut," as though it were a choice. AS if to say that people don't choose to be gay, straight, or bi, but whether or not you're attracted to someone of your preferred gender - that's a choice. But I guess a guy could choose to suck every dick you could find, regardless of his sexuality, since that doesn't require arousal on his part. But why someone would want to, without some additional incentive, such as money, I have no idea.

so a person that's being totally slutty is somehow way way worse than the person that's not being slutty because they're so luicrously shallow that only 1 in a million people fits into what they would call "sexy"

way to back-peddal there
studies have shown that bi-sexual people actually have higher standards than people that are completely straight/completely gay

being slutty or monogomous isn't really a choice
scientists have shown that slutty people actually have different DNA than monogomous people
so a person that's being totally slutty is somehow way way worse than the person that's not being slutty because they're so luicrously shallow that only 1 in a million people fits into what they would call "sexy"

Way to fail at reading comprehension.

I'm not trying to say there's something wrong with that. But don't extol it as a virtue.

Also, that I wouldn't fuck those women you fuck is a long, long way short of only finding 1 in a million people sexy.
No monoxide I won't give you my grandmother's number. I know she's a beast though. No muscles at all.
I had a psychotherapist once who on our last session told me he was about to transition to being a female. I almost wanted to schedule one more appointment with him just to see what he looks like now.
zabu of nΩd;10586521 said:
I had a psychotherapist once who on our last session told me he was about to transition to being a female. I almost wanted to schedule one more appointment with him just to see what he looks like now.

How is that even possible? If he was gay why wouldn't he just get fucked in the ass?