Males and Females

For the record, my son and boyfriend get along wonderfully. They have a good friendship, like my boyfriend is kind of a mentor to him. My son has his dad and I already made it fairly clear to boyfriend that I am not looking for Liam's replacement father.

I applaud you for doing that, as its the best for the child. A lot of ex's in said situation can't let go of the bitter taste enough to actually do what is right.
Being bi sexual is wanting to have your cake and eat it too. I think most people who are bi only go to the same sex because they get frustrated with the opposite sex (in my experience this is what happens).


In my experience no one hates gay people so there must not be rampant homophobia in the Bible Belt and other conservative areas. Must be made up by the Jewish media amirite?
I've had anal pegging fantasies involving a childhood friend's MILF since I was 12. Not necessarily gay.

Maybe not, but I'm going to make fun of you for it.


In my experience no one hates gay people so there must not be rampant homophobia in the Bible Belt and other conservative areas. Must be made up by the Jewish media amirite?

Those damn kikes ruin all the fun, amirite?
Mathiäs;10586732 said:
I don't think you actually have any idea, being that you're a straight male that probably doesn't have any close gay/bi friends. Very few people go for the same sex because they're frustrated; this is a common belief held by ignorant/homophobic people.

Being gay is a natural thing (contrary to what people like my father believe) and it's not something that one develops (like, if you're gay, it's not like you decide one day to be gay. It's something that is inherent in that person). Bi-sexuality has always been somewhat of a mystery to me and that's why I have that mentality.

I know a woman on another forum who was dating the opposite sex for years and years and years and she kept getting frustrated with them and then suddenly started telling stories about how she started dating women. I think a majority do it for attention, but some generally like both sexes but that will always blow my mind.
I haven't decided yet, he seems to be acting serious so maybe hes just that weird? The only thing making me think hes a troll is that every woman he posts is ugly no matter what, its fucking mindblowing. Like a girl will have nice tits and ass but always have a gross face.

Dumbass, he wants a pussy so he can be fucked by dicks obviously he is fucking gay.

In the first post you question whether someone is trolling or is mentally handicapped for holding such opinions. To the second post the very same question should be asked.
I really don't think most bisexual people do it for attention - 15 year olds who are unsure of their sexuality and therefore are overly loud and proud being the exception. My two best friends (female) are bisexual and don't talk about it, it's just another fact of life like "I enjoy both chocolate and pistachio flavored ice cream."
it's just another fact of life like "I enjoy both chocolate and pistachio flavored ice cream."

See, I appreciate that approach to most things in life.

I am just as annoyed by Mort's "outrage" at anything smacking of an unPC opinion as I am at the constant bro(rap)-culture I was surrounded by in the Marines. "Make money fuck bitches", etc.
There's a late nice ice cream parlour near here and I love getting two scoops of mint and one of pistacio. It's so gorgeous and beautiful.
See, I appreciate that approach to most things in life.

I am just as annoyed by Mort's "outrage" at anything smacking of an unPC opinion as I am at the constant bro(rap)-culture I was surrounded by in the Marines. "Make money fuck bitches", etc.

I've got no issue with people making jokes in poor taste or whatever, but in cases like this where m_c decides that someone isn't a woman because she isn't feminine enough...I'm sorry, but fuck you if you have an issue with me being annoyed by that.
I've got no issue with people making jokes in poor taste or whatever, but in cases like this where m_c decides that someone isn't a woman because she isn't feminine enough...I'm sorry, but fuck you if you have an issue with me being annoyed by that.

And women everywhere are suffering because they don't have m_c's approval :rolleyes:

I think m_c's sexual preferences are the least of his concerns.
With regards to the bisexuality question, I think all humans have a bisexual psychology, some just veer more toward one extreme while others veer more toward the other. Gorllias, chimpanzees and bonobos all interact in both homo and heterosexual acts. From what I remember from Anthro, homosexual activity is not uncommon in hunter-gatherer societies, though it is not necessarily a strict idenity as it is in our culture.

And from an evolutionary perspective, it's quite easy to see how homosexual tennacies could develop side-by-side with heterosexual tenancies: pleasure creates postive associations, pleasure from another leads to bonding and bonds lead to increased trust. Bonds and increased trust are both integral to survival of humans in a natural setting.

In Western society homosexuality is taboo and from childhood we are taught to be discomforted by anything that can be perceived as "gay," especially amongst males. Male-male contact that isn't of an agressive nature is often questioned or condemned. Heck, I've seen little boys told not to hold hands. So I think a lot of people repress any homosexual inclinations to the point where they no longer feel them or so that they come out in wierd ways (i.e. incessant butt-slapping in a predominately homophobic sports-culture, paddling and other erotic hazing in frats).