Males and Females

No, I'm saying that there is no "should" at all. A person is not less of a woman or man because they are more masculine or feminine than you demand they be
yeah, but when a guy says that a masculine-looking-woman looks "sexy", that sounds like an in-the-closet-gay-guy talking

don't get me wrong, i have no problem with macsuline-looking women, but if you're calling that "sexy" then just come out of the closet already

How is that even possible? If he was gay why wouldn't he just get fucked in the ass?
there's actually lots of "gay males" that completely totally hate anal, where they refer to themselves as "gay" because they enjoy sucking dick
Gender identity goes beyond what sex organs an individual possesses, good sir.
gender identity is completely seperate from what sex organs a person posesses, gender identity is what gender a person feels they are, i personnally know several female-to-male transexuals and a year ago ultimate metal used to have a biological male that self-identified as female, he used to talk about it all the time,

Not to mention there's a difference between being transgendered and being gay.
being gay is being sexually atracted to the same gender as yourself, being transgendered means that you have transitioned into the opposite gender from what you were biologically born, which gender you want yourself to be has nothing to do with which gender you want to have sex with, quite frequently, male-to-female transgendered people are sexually atracted to females and refer to themselves as "lesbian" even though they were born biologically male
I haven't decided yet, he seems to be acting serious so maybe hes just that weird? The only thing making me think hes a troll is that every woman he posts is ugly no matter what, its fucking mindblowing. Like a girl will have nice tits and ass but always have a gross face.
Mathiäs;10586624 said:
Also, gay people do not unanimously enjoy receiving anal sex or 'enjoy getting fucked in the ass' as Effifag would say.
a huge amount of "gay guys" are dick-sucking-guys that would never in a million years do any kind of anal
Dumbass, he wants a pussy so he can be fucked by dicks obviously he is fucking gay.
quite frequently, the male-to-female trannies are atracted to females and post-op refer to themselves as "lesbian"
If things take off and this becomes a long term/serious relationship, you WILL have to deal with this child's father in some way. I wouldn't worry about it too much right now and just enjoy this lady's company.
this^^ reminds me of a girl i used to date, when her 1st kid was 4 she got pregnant again by someone else, when her 2nd kid was about a month old, the 2 fathers met each other face-2-face for the very first time, instantly ot into a fistfight that kept going untill they both had to go to the ER
For the record, my son and boyfriend get along wonderfully. They have a good friendship, like my boyfriend is kind of a mentor to him. My son has his dad and I already made it fairly clear to boyfriend that I am not looking for Liam's replacement father.
has Liam's father met your new guy yet??
seriously asking
Man, I don't know if I could get in a long term relationship with someone who has a child already. I would either not give a fuck about the kid because they aren't mine or I would be overly parental and discipline the child heavily if they did something wrong.

That and I find most children annoying right now.

well, when i "date someone that has children" it's always children that are close to my age, so "raising a child that's not mine" is something that's never come up for me

On the other hand, if a guy likes getting fucked in the ass does it mean he is gay?

I say yes.
a lot of totally straight guys like getting pegged
Being bi sexual is wanting to have your cake and eat it too. I think most people who are bi only go to the same sex because they get frustrated with the opposite sex (in my experience this is what happens).
this^^ does actually happen, but it's really rare, my experience has been that "bi-sexual people" are either
people that started off gay/lesbian and eneded up having sex with people of the oppisite gender because of interacting with hyper-Christian people that tell them "gays go to hell"

people with an extreme oral fixation where they really truly enjoy both sucking dick and eating pussy
I had some really awful anal sex with a girl recently. God I hate human body odour and the feeling of latex. If I get married, I'm going to convince the bride to have a bottle of nice perfume by our bed and spray it fairly liberally before every sex session.
Mathiäs;10586732 said:
I don't think you actually have any idea, being that you're a straight male that probably doesn't have any close gay/bi friends. Very few people go for the same sex because they're frustrated; this is a common belief held by ignorant/homophobic people.
i honestly think the majority of "bi-sexual people" started off as being totally gay/lesbian
I've had anal pegging fantasies involving a childhood friend's MILF since I was 12. Not necessarily gay.
gay guys don't do pegging
if a guy that sucks dick suddenly wants a dick-shaped-object in his ass, i think he would just have an actual dick in his ass
seriously think pegging is probably extremely rare among gay men
This thread sucks right now.
that's prolly my fault
Pegging isn't gay by any means.
no, it isn't
as far as i know
pegging is done primarily by straight people
A girl would have to be so damn beautiful before i'd even consider letting her do something like that.
whether or not a female would want to do it has nothing to do with what she looks like
Blame it on misogynist fuckwits like m_c
yeah, okay, i'm totally responsible for Yoda saying this tread sucks right now, but how exactly am i a mysogonist??
In my experience no one hates gay people so there must not be rampant homophobia in the Bible Belt and other conservative areas. Must be made up by the Jewish media amirite?
This thread has brought to light some fucking awful opinions these last few pages.
What's the appeal of pegging?
for men, it's the prostate getting massaged, for the women it's about "having a penis for a night"
Prolly has something to do with prostate massaging. The concept of ejaculating without penile stimulation is engaging.
sometimes the pegging feels good without ejaculation, and sometimes the guy's hand (or the girl's) is actually jacking the guy's dick while the pegging is happening
Yes, because these "incorrect" opinions are so much worse than other "incorrect" opinions.
Yeah, I'm not getting it either. Fucking a dude in the ass is not something I've ever given much thought to.
it just has to do with "having a penis for a night"
you prolly wouldn't go the time and money to go out and buy a strap-on yourself, but it's prolly something you'd actually enjoy if you actually already had the strap-on-harness right in front of you
Being gay is a natural thing (contrary to what people like my father believe) and it's not something that one develops (like, if you're gay, it's not like you decide one day to be gay. It's something that is inherent in that person). Bi-sexuality has always been somewhat of a mystery to me and that's why I have that mentality.

I know a woman on another forum who was dating the opposite sex for years and years and years and she kept getting frustrated with them and then suddenly started telling stories about how she started dating women. I think a majority do it for attention, but some generally like both sexes but that will always blow my mind.
wouldn't being bi-sexual be inherent like being totally gay/totally lesbian??
In the first post you question whether someone is trolling or is mentally handicapped for holding such opinions. To the second post the very same question should be asked.
Zeph post on this thread for the first time in what seems like forever
how's your long-distance-relationship going??
I really don't think most bisexual people do it for attention - 15 year olds who are unsure of their sexuality and therefore are overly loud and proud being the exception. My two best friends (female) are bisexual and don't talk about it, it's just another fact of life like "I enjoy both chocolate and pistachio flavored ice cream."

females are more likely than males to be bi-sexual, where as guys are more likely than girls to be completely totally homosexual
Zeph post on this thread for the first time in what seems like forever
how's your long-distance-relationship going??

This thread hasn't lent itself to me posting in it lately.

Things between LG and I just get better and better with time. Our relationship just hit the 3-month mark and it's very strong. The distance is a strain as ever, but we recently had over two weeks together, which included her flying out here, seeing Chicago, going to see Master play in St. Louis, then taking a road trip back to Maine for Spring Break.

I'll be seeing her in a week when I take an extended weekend to fly out to Maine. I'm dreading that after that little visit it will be a month without seeing her before mid-May when we're going to spend the entire summer together in Maine. We're both very excited about that, and I just hope that we can endure the distance just a month or so longer.
I am just as annoyed by Mort's "outrage" at anything smacking of an unPC opinion as I am at the constant bro(rap)-culture I was surrounded by in the Marines. "Make money fuck bitches", etc.
yeah, i'm getting annoyed with Mort's ourage and the "bro9rap0 culture" too
but in cases like this where m_c decides that someone isn't a woman because she isn't feminine enough...I'm sorry, but fuck you if you have an issue with me being annoyed by that.
my response to the picture??
you're still pissed about that??
let shit go already
And women everywhere are suffering because they don't have m_c's approval :rolleyes:

I think m_c's sexual preferences are the least of his concerns.
i have sex with people i find ugly, remember??
It isn't simply m_c, but the rather societal view of 'you must be like this to be a woman' and 'you're not a man if...'
what i'm pissed about is "society's view" that 6-pack-abs with buns-of-steel on a female and the anorexically-thin supermodels are both considered "sexy"
a week ago i saw a picture of "Adele squishing Taylor Swift" in Mad Magazine
the pic was implying that Adele was grotesquely overweight,
but at the end of the day
i'd fuck Adele over Taylor Swift just purely because of body shape
With regards to the bisexuality question, I think all humans have a bisexual psychology, some just veer more toward one extreme while others veer more toward the other. Gorllias, chimpanzees and bonobos all interact in both homo and heterosexual acts. From what I remember from Anthro, homosexual activity is not uncommon in hunter-gatherer societies, though it is not necessarily a strict idenity as it is in our culture.

And from an evolutionary perspective, it's quite easy to see how homosexual tennacies could develop side-by-side with heterosexual tenancies: pleasure creates postive associations, pleasure from another leads to bonding and bonds lead to increased trust. Bonds and increased trust are both integral to survival of humans in a natural setting.

In Western society homosexuality is taboo and from childhood we are taught to be discomforted by anything that can be perceived as "gay," especially amongst males. Male-male contact that isn't of an agressive nature is often questioned or condemned. Heck, I've seen little boys told not to hold hands. So I think a lot of people repress any homosexual inclinations to the point where they no longer feel them or so that they come out in wierd ways (i.e. incessant butt-slapping in a predominately homophobic sports-culture, paddling and other erotic hazing in frats).
the first paragraph seems to be a reference to the Kinsey Report
the 2nd paragraph isn't presented coherently
but i totally agree with the 3rd paragraph
You're not a man if you keep posting gay shit like this.
Yeah, it really is a shame fags and bisexuals aren't equal to us normal people. Oh well, that's life.
It's not un-PC so much as technically incorrect. A person is a woman if she has two X chromosomes and identifies as female. It gets hairy with trans people and some rare genetic anomalies but I still don't think it's that complicated and am therefore disgusted by people's weird butthurt reactions to someone not fitting into A or B category perfectly.

Really if someone's sexuality is that important to you and you need to sex them in order to sleep at night, just ask them or something.

I do find it interesting that women don't sit around being grossed out by homos and bisexuals, at least not anyone I know - but maybe it would be different if I were from the Bible belt or somewhere really conservative. Who knows. Lobsters in a bucket I guess, whatever!
women's brains work differently then men's
women's sexuality is more fluid, it's easier to convince a straight woman to "experiment" than it is for a straight guy
my experience has been that most of the women that are totally straight love having gay male friends
There are women who are grossed out by it, iwis. But they are the same sort of women who are disgusted by sex in general.
my experience is that the women who are grossed out by gay/lesbian-ism are almost always hard-core-Christians where they just oppose homosexuality just simply because they've heard their preacher do a fire-and-brimstone-type-sermon about how "homosexuals are going to hell"
I'm so sick of being sexist and insecure in my masculinity. I don't know what to do. I suppose if I was really, really nice to this girl I've arranged to see and it worked out and ended up going on for some time then just being happy with her would mellow me out. Then I could stop worrying that all the perfect women are in a bed somewhere with some man who is and looks very different from me, being railed.
if you're trolling, then this^^ is pretty funny
if you're not then you need psych help
Identity is a behavior. The point I was making was that just because an animal is intelligent enough to learn unusual sexual behaviors, that doesn't mean they're born with a drive for them. The behaviors are a trigger for an instinct, not an instinct on their own.

Basically, in a normal person's brain, homosexuality is a conditioned response, whereas heterosexuality is unconditioned. I don't think we have unconditioned homosexual tendencies simply because we can be conditioned to enjoy homosexual things, and I think the same goes for other apes, too.
this^^ is bullshit
it might make sence if all homosexual behavior was in only primates
but homosexuality occurs in animals that are not primates
dogs/wolves rabbits dolphins etc etc etc
Identity is not behavior. For example, a man can see himself as gay without ever having an intimate encounter with another man. A biological female might see her/himself as a man without necessarily dressing up like a man.

As for homosexual activity being a learned trait, evidence for that would be the absence of said behavior within certain ape communities. For example, some chimpanzee and bonobo societies use twigs to get termites, while others don't. So it's a part of some chimp/bonobo "cultures" and not a part of others. It's a learned trait. In contrast, homosexual behavior is just about universal in chimp/bonobo societies. With bonobos it's literally an everyday practice. So it seems a implausible to state that a behavior that all healthy members of a species engages in on such a regular basis is learned. The simpler explanation is that it's inherent.

Read this article on bonobo sexuality, especially the last two sections. DeWall isn't specifically focused on whether or not the traits are inherent or learned, but I think based on the structure of bonobo society, those males and even moreso the females who have homosexual tenancies would have a better opportunity to gain food resources and mating opportunities:

i totally agree with this^^
This thread hasn't lent itself to me posting in it lately.
that was prolly mostly my fault
Things between LG and I just get better and better with time. Our relationship just hit the 3-month mark and it's very strong. The distance is a strain as ever, but we recently had over two weeks together, which included her flying out here, seeing Chicago, going to see Master play in St. Louis, then taking a road trip back to Maine for Spring Break.

I'll be seeing her in a week when I take an extended weekend to fly out to Maine. I'm dreading that after that little visit it will be a month without seeing her before mid-May when we're going to spend the entire summer together in Maine. We're both very excited about that, and I just hope that we can endure the distance just a month or so longer.

congratualations on being more successfull with your relationship than the rest of us
Considering breaking things off with my lady of four years. She's become a very heavy burden on my mind and she's trying that marry me by July or I'm leaving you shit. Not exactly a very scary threat. She isn't working, hasn't worked a year total in our relationship... I just don't think I want to be her handler for the rest of my life and its pretty much come to the point I believe we've only stayed together so long because we lost a child early in our relationship.

It's seemed like you have felt "iffy" about your relationship the whole time I've been on here. Definitely don't marry her for any reason if you see her as a burden.
Considering breaking things off with my lady of four years. She's become a very heavy burden on my mind and she's trying that marry me by July or I'm leaving you shit. Not exactly a very scary threat. She isn't working, hasn't worked a year total in our relationship... I just don't think I want to be her handler for the rest of my life and its pretty much come to the point I believe we've only stayed together so long because we lost a child early in our relationship.

From the sounds of things that would be the best course of action. Anyone that feels its its okay to threaten a relationship unless the other party marries them is not worth the time, imo. What's the living situation and how will it be affected by this?
I think I've screwed it up with both of the new girls. This really sucks. One of them wont have liked my working class accent and the other one wont have liked some fucking unavoidable social awkwardness that come up. I am so fucking sick of being travis bickle. What do you fucking do?
I think I've screwed it up with both of the new girls. This really sucks. One of them wont have liked my working class accent and the other one wont have liked some fucking unavoidable social awkwardness that come up. I am so fucking sick of being travis bickle. What do you fucking do?

Put yourself together before you try to magic your way into that "special" relationship.
I think I've screwed it up with both of the new girls. This really sucks. One of them wont have liked my working class accent and the other one wont have liked some fucking unavoidable social awkwardness that come up. I am so fucking sick of being travis bickle. What do you fucking do?

Maybe the problem is that you are pursuing women who are as fickle as you are.
I think I've screwed it up with both of the new girls. This really sucks. One of them wont have liked my working class accent and the other one wont have liked some fucking unavoidable social awkwardness that come up. I am so fucking sick of being travis bickle. What do you fucking do?

I'd probably kill myself cause of my "working class accent" and my "social awkwardness."
Audio of your working class accent? Or at least a description? Are we talking a Boston-style accent, or a voice-cracking hick accent, or a ghetto accent, or what?
I could have sworn he was from the Northeast or maybe Illinois. I will have to reevaluate my current perception of him. Somehow I think that makes him less sexy to me. :(
my accent is somewhere in between the posh sounding British accent you have in your heads and a male version of this:

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