Males and Females

I don't have too much experience with antidepressants, but I'm willing to venture that taking alcohol when you're dropping off a psychiatric drug is a pretty horrible idea.

As a starting point, keep her away from bars and don't consume alcohol around her.
Yeah this is the first time either of us have drank in almost 2 months, so we dont hit the bottle that often...But she dropped the meds like 2 weeks ago...Thought if that shit was gonna fuck with her, it would be immediate...
I need some advice from some people on the forum...

So my lady is on medication...Antidepressants, and A.D.D. medication...A few weeks ago, she STOPPED taking both, and the other night we had a few drinks with some friends and she got fucking CRAZY. Flipped out, cops were called, broke into her own house, just a straight up nightmare that you only see in movies...And the TV show Cops...

So she claims its because she fucked with her brain chemistry by stopping her meds completely...I think its a combo of that, she was drunk AND shes fucking crazy...

So my question is, to those who have experience with their significant other who takes meds, or if themselves take them, should I cut her some slack?...Think cutting cold turkey could fuck with her like that?

The couple week time period can often time be the cut off point where if you cut yourself off of those drugs they will finally no longer be present in your system. Alcohol also has a tendency to exasperate things, of course.

Did she drink before this at all while on her meds? Because that is usually heavily advised against. What led her to take herself off of the medication?
Yeah I mean, I personally dont feel it was the meds. I think it was her craziness and alcohol. I think shes using the meds as a crutch to take some of heat off her...

She didnt drink while getting off them until this shit went down, maybe a beer here and there but even that was rare. The reason she kicked em is because she ultimately doesnt want to be reliant upon pills the rest of her life, and I agreed with her and supported her. Just as I would if she decided to keep taking them, which I think now is the best option.

I'm cooking LG some chicken cacciatore tonight.

Shiiiiiiit. Tbh it's really the only thing I know how to make, aside from rice, tacos, or fajitas.

So, what's the over/under on The Butt being broken up with this new girl?

We are going strong sir. :Spin:

You might as well be making a box of mac and cheese. Try harder. What's still easy and looks better is to cook up some Italian sausage and slice that up, make pasta, dump it all in a casserole dish with some sauce, and melt some cheese on top in the oven.

I may try that. I mean, I dunno about Italian sausage, as I don't think she likes it, but meatballs, with a decent sauce, and melted cheese sounds wonderful.

Just don't make spaghetti alla puttanesca; she might take it the wrong way.

Lul, "whore's spaghetti". Not gonna lie it looks mighty good though.
So my friend is in a shitty way. We've literally been friends since we were five. She's a mess though. She has two kids with two different guys and a third that came along with her husband. Her husband left her and the state though, even leaving the boy with no blood relation to her at all. She's working as a cashier trying to scrape by. Her youngest, a baby got sick last night and had to be taken to the emergency room. She dropped everything and went and stayed overnight. She was still there this morning with no food or money. I brought her a bag of pepperoni rolls and chips and a drink before work this morning and a little bag of change I collect from my House so she could use the vending machine.

Why post this here? Well as I went to leave she tried to kiss me on the mouth. Goddamn it. I dodged it hard. My relationship is in trouble as it is... But on the other side is her. She comes with a ton of baggage but we have so much history together, sexual and otherwise, it makes things I don't... There's a high degree of comfort with her.
So my friend is in a shitty way. We've literally been friends since we were five. She's a mess though. She has two kids with two different guys and a third that came along with her husband. Her husband left her and the state though, even leaving the boy with no blood relation to her at all. She's working as a cashier trying to scrape by. Her youngest, a baby got sick last night and had to be taken to the emergency room. She dropped everything and went and stayed overnight. She was still there this morning with no food or money. I brought her a bag of pepperoni rolls and chips and a drink before work this morning and a little bag of change I collect from my House so she could use the vending machine.

Why post this here? Well as I went to leave she tried to kiss me on the mouth. Goddamn it. I dodged it hard. My relationship is in trouble as it is... But on the other side is her. She comes with a ton of baggage but we have so much history together, sexual and otherwise, it makes things I don't... There's a high degree of comfort with her.

Arent you married?
Yeah I mean, I personally dont feel it was the meds. I think it was her craziness and alcohol. I think shes using the meds as a crutch to take some of heat off her...

She didnt drink while getting off them until this shit went down, maybe a beer here and there but even that was rare. The reason she kicked em is because she ultimately doesnt want to be reliant upon pills the rest of her life, and I agreed with her and supported her. Just as I would if she decided to keep taking them, which I think now is the best option.

That is a good decision on her part of wean herself off those meds. The longer she takes them the more they would take over her personality and handicap her brain from being able to enjoy life without them. I'd stick by her side in this...cold turkey is rough, but in the end she will recover and will deeply appreciate your devotion to see her through this.
That is a good decision on her part of wean herself off those meds. The longer she takes them the more they would take over her personality and handicap her brain from being able to enjoy life without them. I'd stick by her side in this...cold turkey is rough, but in the end she will recover and will deeply appreciate your devotion to see her through this.

Thanks for the support dude.

She isnt exactly weaning off, she cut cold turkey and now after the episode is back on them. You hit the nail on the head with "The longer she takes them the more they would take over her personality and handicap her brain from being able to enjoy life without them." I feel the exact same way, but am just trying to voice my feelings and let her do what she wants and support it...Seems like its all I can do at the moment...

No, no, no, and no.

For some reason thought you were...Ok, with that in mind, this other chick comes with a fuckton of baggage, which you seem well aware of...What exactly is the history there? Have you guys dated before? Or just been friends since forever ago, that occasionally hooked up but had feelings for each other?

And whats the story with your lady? How long have you been dating her? Whats that story?
That is a good decision on her part of wean herself off those meds. The longer she takes them the more they would take over her personality and handicap her brain from being able to enjoy life without them. I'd stick by her side in this...cold turkey is rough, but in the end she will recover and will deeply appreciate your devotion to see her through this.

Or become suicidal, which I would pray is not the case and that she is not that imbalanced.

It's rough dealing with loved ones with questionable mental health. My dad is on "life-support" SSRIs - he feels juuust a little better than "I want to kill myself" and his baseline is "very depressed" - combined with other ailments + slowly developing dementia we have good reason to be concerned about him.

When I was young he used to be manic depressive and stay up for days/go on crazy exercise binges. I'm not sure if it's age or lithium or what that eliminated the mania from the equation. I do know he stopped working when I was about 6 and has been on SSD since.
yesterday i'm hanging out with one of those girls that kinda randomly travels across the country, she spent all afternoon telling people "i've only been in Texas for 3 days" and then last night i fucked her

i officially feel like a slut now

this^^ girl's been "glued-to-my-hip" and telling me that she's "not going to have sex with other dudes" so i guess she's my girlfriend now
How disgusting is this one now?

she's way hotter than the other ones
from the neck up she looks like what Jean Tripplehorn would have looked like at 10 or 12, with that whole "eternally-young-face" thing going on, she's already 29 with a bunch of people thinking she was still 14 or 15, where she's still gonna get carded when she has grandchildren

from the neck down
she's gorgeous
she's got a much smaller waist than the one that you guys said looked like "a thin person with an innertube inside her shirt" (the blue-haired boy's ex that just broke up with me)

and she's more hourglass-shaped and better proportioned than the top-heavy one with the DD tits and the buns-of-steel (the one that broke down and cried in the middle of the road about 13 months ago)

and her boobs are alot bigger than the tiny pointed tits of the girl with the facial tattoos (the one i had a one-night-stand with about a month ago)

this girl is as-sexy-as hell