Males and Females

"Doing me first" = "keeping your game up" because "having your own life" is universally attractive.

Slam dunk!

Jimmy you strike me as an awfully jealous person. I'd imagine it leads to frequent and nonsensical arguments with your... uh, prey, shall we say?

Jealous? no, not at all. I've been in plenty of open relationships. As far as the arguments go I always stay calm and reasonable. It's less about being right or wrong and more about how I feel and being honest about it. I learn through those experiences. When ever I start dating a girl and it seems to be getting a bit more serious I usually let her know I want to continue dating and be with other women.
You'd be surprised how many women are DTF if you just straight up suggest it once you get the vibe they're into you.

'Hey, want to come over to my place afterwards?'


You either get a great reception or one of pure disgust when doing this. It NEVER works if a girl is in a group or with her friends because she doesn't want to be viewed as a slut.
PP does everything right. I'm all krampus because he didn't give me a baby this month. Every month when I'm all grumpy he draws me a bath and cooks me a steak or seafood dinner with spinach to get my iron levels up.
I need some advice from some people on the forum...

So my lady is on medication...Antidepressants, and A.D.D. medication...A few weeks ago, she STOPPED taking both, and the other night we had a few drinks with some friends and she got fucking CRAZY. Flipped out, cops were called, broke into her own house, just a straight up nightmare that you only see in movies...And the TV show Cops...

So she claims its because she fucked with her brain chemistry by stopping her meds completely...I think its a combo of that, she was drunk AND shes fucking crazy...

So my question is, to those who have experience with their significant other who takes meds, or if themselves take them, should I cut her some slack?...Think cutting cold turkey could fuck with her like that?
My sister's bipolar and behaves like that when she has her manic phases. She usually stops taking her medication because she can't afford it, but last time she felt compelled religiously to stop taking them because she believed that whole "body is a temple" thing applied to not only illicit drugs, but prescription medication.

I let her know that she hurts everyone who's close to her during her manic phases both emotionally and financially. Approaching from the angle of how you feel and are affected is the best way to keep her from having an outburst like that again. And yes something that over-the-top can happen when someone quits cold turkey.
Yeah my girlfriend is a little bipolar too, but not to the point where she needs meds...I dont know how valid that is, but its what she claims...

Yeah I let her know exactly how it affected me and she is nothing but remorseful and willing to make sure it doesnt happen again, but holy fucking jesus that shit was bad...If I havnt been dating her on and off for almost 10 years I wouldve told her to kick rocks and sent her packin.

But I cant help but be guarded now and feeling like running for the fear of this shit happening again. But this is my own bullshit. I love her and want us to be happy, so I need to keep that in mind and keep working at it.
Yeah man it sounds like you're in really deep. It would be hard to recover from losing a partner of 10 years. It's good that you're not making any obtuse demands of her to compensate for the betrayal of trust and it sounds like the communication that happened in the aftermath is pointing you guys in the right direction. Good luck with that shit.