Males and Females

I've stopped taking Depression meds on and off since a teen and never had any problems. Because they did nothing for me anyways. I did not notice or could not notice if they did anything. I'm not always depressed, but I don't see why people think just because they're depressed sometimes or feel like shit that something is wrong with them. Unless you literally can't get out of Bed than it will eventually pass. I don't see what is wrong with experiencing some depression or pain. If anything it will just help build character. Life is not suppose to be easy and no one said it was going to be. If you're feeling like shit or depressed than you're not doing what you are suppose to in life and need to figure out how to make yourself feel better. A medication is not just going to save you. You still have to put in some effort.

I'm currently taking anti-depressants, and they actually have been helping me. I'm more confident, I have a more positive outlook on things, and I'm less moody.
This thread needs less wussy shit and more awesome stories from m_c.

i feel like i'm living in an Old Testament pagan city

-i'm dating 2 girls at once,
-each girl has another boyfriend
-these 2 guys know each other
-the 2 guys have both known me longer than they've been dating the 2 girls
-one of the girls has already had sex with me despite only having been in Texas for a week
-the other girl is dating the ex-boyfriend of a 3rd girl that just broke up with me

my life really fucked up right now

in addition to all this^^
i've been rubbing body lotion on a woman's feet once every couple of days and she suddenly decides she wants me to rub the lotion "all over the rest of her body"

there's a girl who is currently in California who is planning on coming back to Dallas and she's planning on having sex with me when she gets here

and yesterday i spent a whole hour making out with a midget woman
Mox I really fucking hope you get arrested for pedo-ing with the midget woman. It would be fucking hilarious.
Get over the fear of intimacy and go for it dude.

I know how it would look like a fear of commitment (which it partially is) but its moreso the life baggage that has been weighing me down since my divorce that has been making getting where I need far more difficult than it should be. A committed relationship has the potential of weighing that down further right now, and since I have historically preferred committed situations I'm afraid of letting ze ole eye wander too much from the next goal post.

Either way, night went well. Had a great time with my friends and her with a good balance of activities in the group and just with her. We seem to have an open dialogue about random shit that occurs really naturally, and she was getting touchy as the night went on(lightly rubbing behind my shoulder when standing at my side, etc.

Were hitting up a record store and grabbing some Chinese Thursday earlier in the day since were both rocking second shift that night.
Not that recent, kicked in last year, and we were legally seperated for a year before that. The burdens that have come with it all lead back to financial issues.

I feel for you man. A co-worker of mine is going through this, and seeing how hard hes taking it makes me very empathetic for people who have or are going through something similar.