Males and Females

for some women, pissing in the middle of penis-in-vagina sex is neccassary in order for the woman to orgasm

i totally thought this was

common knowledge


where the whole "watersports" thing came from
I've got a "date" with some really hot romanian girl I kind of dated once but annoyed / upset two years ago.
Just a quick rant.

So apparently 21-late 20s are the ages where all your friends start getting married and you start attending shit tons of weddings, and I got to say it's the strangest thing ever.

I've been with my boyfriend since HS and never dated anyone else, yet I can't imagine ever being married. Just don't see much of a point to it, accept maybe financially but idc about stuff like that. Also, I think a lot of my values come from a totally different place than my bfs. It also doesn't help that he's a Persian mix, whose father lives in Egypt. :lol: Only in NY, I guess... We don't always share the same ideas, but we both agree marrying in the early twenties is kind of risky. It would be cool if he thought the same way further down the line...

Where I was raised women didn't really marry their men as such. The men were kind of like vagabonds they'd stay for awhile but eventually they move on, leaving their women with children. Pretty shitty cycle, but watching that happen a lot didn't see much of a point to marriage. Even the ones who were married seemed unhappy and it didn't stop the men from being promiscuous.

Sure my American friends who are getting married may lead a happier life than these women I've experienced in Jamaica. And in no way am I not happy for them. I think it's kinda cool, but I don't understand the the crazy value placed on it. Yes, I can understand if you were with the person for idk 10-20 years or so, but these girls I know are marrying at the 2-3 year mark, which I think seems odd. But then again, it's just my opinion.

Wow, i got no where with this rant.:lol: Ha, oh well.

Well done, Sir, I hope you don't think I'm judging you while snubbing my nose. This is just my way and that's yours. I do see how having a wife and family is so agreeable. But I also see it is not possible to be free if you have a wife and children, and that that prison is sweet which is why breaking free is so difficult. To be free is to be alone imho, so if that's cold, I accept.