Males and Females

Richard just do it, do it for all of us. Come in her bum and pound it so hard that it looses a bit of its tightness forever. When she comes back from the gym, pull off her ankle socks and tape them into her mouth while you fuck her butt into kindome cum.
I aspire to be a teacher so I can play a father-type role in this world without having to bring any more tortured souls into the world.

My friend who is a history major/education minor has this same outlook. His girlfriend of 4 years doesn't want kids and he likes them quite a bit, so it's a pretty good compromise.

I'd like to have a couple little ones, myself, if it's with a person I can see a future with. Custody battles and broken marriages are the worst, though.
I'm hoping one of my lesbian friends will ask me to donate sperm. This way I don't have to take any responsibility for the kid but can still know my bio-child is in good hands. But fuck wasting energy on a kid. Life is short and there's only so much energy to go around.

This is how I feel about offspring. But I want them to come around when I'm older.
I'd like to have a couple of kids someday, but I don't plan on that happening until I'm in my 30s and financially stable. The idea of having a son who is a concert pianist/linguist/engineer is an nifty notion, but he'll probably have a Spongebob brain until he finds himself on his own.

This is pretty much how I feel. I want to continue my family, but only when I'm financially and emotionally stable enough. I want my future kid to be a smart kid, hopefully a scientist or something like that.

I'm not gonna be one of these losers on Maury or shit like that
A girl at work likes me and keeps talking to me. She friend requested me on Facebook. There are two problems with this situation:

1) She's 17 (turns 18 May 26) and is still in high school.
2) She works at the same place I do which is bad news, period.

Having said that, she has a fine, FINE ass and I am considering fucking her anyway. She's going to college this fall so she won't be working there forever.

I was in this exact same situation, and it was great. We had an on and off thing when she would come back on break.

I think Mort is jealous.

A girl at work likes me and keeps talking to me. She friend requested me on Facebook. There are two problems with this situation:

1) She's 17 (turns 18 May 26) and is still in high school.
2) She works at the same place I do which is bad news, period.

Having said that, she has a fine, FINE ass and I am considering fucking her anyway. She's going to college this fall so she won't be working there forever.

Pics or it won't happen.
and yesterday i spent a whole hour making out with a midget woman
this woman^^ wants me to impregnate her
she's way hotter than the other ones
from the neck up she looks like what Jean Tripplehorn would have looked like at 10 or 12, with that whole "eternally-young-face" thing going on, she's already 29 with a bunch of people thinking she was still 14 or 15, where she's still gonna get carded when she has grandchildren

from the neck down
she's gorgeous
she's got a much smaller waist than the one that you guys said looked like "a thin person with an innertube inside her shirt" (the blue-haired boy's ex that just broke up with me)

and she's more hourglass-shaped and better proportioned than the top-heavy one with the DD tits and the buns-of-steel (the one that broke down and cried in the middle of the road about 13 months ago)

and her boobs are alot bigger than the tiny pointed tits of the girl with the facial tattoos (the one i had a one-night-stand with about a month ago)

this girl is as-sexy-as hell

this woman^^ is using ice
Yes this is her senior picture. And no I never said she was the hottest girl in the world.


The King always delivers. :cool:
So I felt the need to tell my friend how I feel about her. It was becoming one of those situations where all of our friends were figuring this shit out, and I didn't want her to find out second hand. And yes, this is the person Tara recommended ditching a month or so ago.

I seem to have the well-wishes of everyone I've spoken to who knows both of us... and her relationship was a sinking ship before I met her.

The reason she's still in this commitment is because they both work for the school newspaper at our university and he's been performing really poorly lately at his job. Now that she's his superior and they're in the final stretch of the semester, she doesn't want a breakup to make a bad situation worse. She asked me to hold out til the end of the semester for her. I'm a little guarded about the situation, but I haven't had this much in common with a person since my former best friend got addicted to heroin 3 years ago. She's just as much of a dork as I am, laughs at all my jokes, has a really similar lifestyle, lives in the same part of town, listens to the same music, and we have a few dozen mutual friends.
I hope that works out for you but I would prepare for the worst. I've been in that situation and was strung along and along and along, and it was awful. The bitch was too attached to her bf even though their relationship sucked.
Mathiäs;10607872 said:
I hope that works out for you but I would prepare for the worst. I've been in that situation and was strung along and along and along, and it was awful. The bitch was too attached to her bf even though their relationship sucked.

Yeah, one of my best friends also went through something pretty similar recently. I have an excellent safety net, and luckily this is not the only thing that the end of the semester promises for me. Regardless, she's a good friend of mine and I won't hold it against her if she tries to stick it out, but I definitely won't spend as much time with her as I have been. It would be too painful.
Me and the lady have been fighting pretty regularly...Been VERY draining and taxing on both of us...But were both determined to keep trying new ways of communicating and dealing with one another so we can minimize the frequency and intensity of our fighting...I think were both at the point of wanting to give up, but we love each other so much that its extremely hard to...But whens the point of enough is enough?...Gets a bit blurry when emotions and love is involved...
Pankow's a single man again. The ball-and-chain found out she was 9 weeks along with the previous guy's kid. So as soon as she told me, felt like I dodged a bullet. PRAISE THE LAWD.

On an even lighter note, I think this one girl digs me. I think she wants me to show her my captain's log. She's 17, but fuck it.

A girl at work likes me and keeps talking to me. She friend requested me on Facebook. There are two problems with this situation:

1) She's 17 (turns 18 May 26) and is still in high school.
2) She works at the same place I do which is bad news, period.

Having said that, she has a fine, FINE ass and I am considering fucking her anyway. She's going to college this fall so she won't be working there forever.

Do it. For the good of mankind.