Males and Females

I have spent the last 7 months hanging out with the most amazing female I have ever known. I am so in love with her it breaks my heart. The heart break coming from the fact that she does not feel the same way hahahahaha of course. Instead I get to play the classic role of "the best friend", and get the "I am closer to you than anyone and you are so great and you take care of me and I love you but I'm not IN love with you" speech!!!

Oh man. It's bad I tell you what. I am totally hopeless. sheesh.

From what I've seen you can't really get out of the friend zone unless you really push it. If not you'll just continue to be her miserable blueballed friend. So I'd find a good way to re-initiate the non-friend side of your relationship, and if it goes to shit because of it at least you tried. Even if you date and it doesn't work out if you both want to enough you can absolutely go back to being friends after a certain grace period to let everything cool off.
Or even better, stop hanging out with her, period, since you are clearly getting extremely stressed out and miserable over things and the perks of having one more friend in the world do not make up for that
When my ex broke up with me, i was in a similar situation, it was a self torture (does this expression even exist? haha). I tried to be friends with her and so on, but things got even worse, I stopped seeing her, i didn't talk/call her, not even on msn and shits, it's been like two years now, everything healed nicely.. Especially after I met a girl who's so interested in me, but... she's far away from here (in Poland), that made me forget my ex (=> I mean, get another girl)
You'll never get out of the friend zone, unless you are currently mediocre looking and get hot.

This can actually work, apparently.

Friend-zone sucks balls, dude, and it sounds like you have it pretty bad. Since this is the internet, somebody has to suggest rape and it might as well be me.
This is why you shouldn't have female friends. Sure you may know some chicks that you party with or have hung out with on occasion, but you never, ever, become "best friends" with a chick.

This goes back to krampus' friend trying to rape her mouth with his while he was drunk. No matter how good of friends you may think you are, the guy is always going to want to nail the chick.
This is why you shouldn't have female friends. Sure you may know some chicks that you party with or have hung out with on occasion, but you never, ever, because "best friends" with a chick.

I am very good friends with my ex-girlfriend, in fact we're renting a house in the Fall with three other people (including my current gf). I know plenty of people who have best friends of the opposite sex, and it's much more a benefit to them than a cause of anxiety. I guess you must have had a bad experience.

Are you fucked?! I've never had a bad experience. But at the same time, I've never been friend-zoned, nor have I ever tried living within close quarters of a chick I used to fuck and my current fuckbuddy. Dude, you're asking for it. It won't be long before you guys all start drinking and your ex and current girlfriend start to hate each other and then you're going to be in a world of hurt. Not to mention you'll be posting some long diatribe about how your life just turned upside down. It's going to happen, trust me. Aside from that, it's just awkward brother.
how your life just turned upside down
And would you like me to take a minute
Just sit right there
and have you tell me how Zeph became the prince of a town called Bel Air?
It's always seemed difficult for me to take things to the next level with women. Friends is all I've ever been to women. Though hopefully things are going to change in my life. That Asian American girl I e-mailed hasn't replied back, but that's ok. Hopefully she will eventually. I've been doing things with a Brazilian woman here. I think she likes me I'm not very sure. There's a language barrier between us but we get along fine. We speak Spanish with each other. I accidentally saw her in the lobby Saturday night, and she was going to the same place I was. To see Spain play Paraguay in soccer. We stayed with each other at the game, she let me drink her water and Coke with her. lol She invited me to dance with her friends even though I can't dance well. We left the game together and ate supper after that. Then I stayed with her until we got back to our residence hall. She hugged me bye and I went back to my room, she to hers. Then the next morning she woke me up when she was ready to leave for Madrid. But I was not prepared and went back to sleep. I talked to her this morning at the school and she hugged me when we saw each other. I invited her to come to the cinema class tonight. She later let me have some of her food today. We took a couple pictures together so far.
Does this girl like me or what?

Are you fucked?! I've never had a bad experience. But at the same time, I've never been friend-zoned, nor have I ever tried living within close quarters of a chick I used to fuck and my current fuckbuddy. Dude, you're asking for it. It won't be long before you guys all start drinking and your ex and current girlfriend start to hate each other and then you're going to be in a world of hurt. Not to mention you'll be posting some long diatribe about how your life just turned upside down. It's going to happen, trust me. Aside from that, it's just awkward brother.

Haha on the surface it looks like that kind of situation, but it should work out fine because my girlfriend and this girl are also very good friends, and my ex has a boyfriend, too, so there won't really be any jealousy going around. There's no hidden feelings at all. And my ex and I are both Latin majors so we work as peers all the time.
@Zeph: Gotta say, that sounds like it could go really, really bad, but good luck.

This is why you shouldn't have female friends. Sure you may know some chicks that you party with or have hung out with on occasion, but you never, ever, become "best friends" with a chick.
IDK, my best friend here is a chick and I really don't see any problems aside from it's pretty emotionally draining when she whines about her bf all the time but w/e.

Does this girl like me or what? should probably ask her out for coffee or something like that. Worst thing that happens is she's not interested. Go on like this for too long and you'll be her gay friend.

When shit starts to hit the fan, there's always juggling.
Fuck all of this shit.

I'm going to a different city to study politics in September so I can't be bothered. I can't bring back girls to the family home either. So all my shitty sexual misadventures have been put on hold / cunning plans foiled.

I don't really enjoy hanging out in the 'scene' clubs that my friends hang out in. I mean BMTH will be blasting and lots of people with fringes will be doing strange things they might call dancing. I'll be sat in a corner with a couple of guys, drinking the only ale the joint sells. It sucks.

I've discussed the whole dating thing with a friend and he thinks it's going to be worse after I've moved out because the city I'm moving to has a lot of muslims living there. He didn't explain it very well, but he's asian himself so it must be right (wat).

I have had girls tell me I'm good looking on quite a lot of occasions though, I think the problem is more the way I act around them. You know when some girl is paying a lot of attention to the way you answer some questions someone else is asking, or how you reply to certain comments being made, they'll pay special attention to see if you are maybe slightly right wing or something and make pouty bimboish facial expressions and raise their eyebrows whilst listening.

Well it annoys me and I can't help saying stuff just to piss them off.