I think that some truth gets lost in the longing for some sort of hyper-idyllic-masculine-archetype that never existed outside of Hollywood, in the John Waynes and the Clint Eastwoods of the 20th century.
The truth part is the decline of people who are willing to take personal responsibility; people who truly internalize the locus of control. People who "have their shit together", to use a colloquial phrase. That doesn't require one to tote around six-shooters, constantly have at least 5 days growth, and wear flannel at all times. The "sissy boys" of rather androgynous bearing and style rarely have "their shit together". Of course, neither do the "masculine" caricatures that dominate modern media and culture.
The truth part is the decline of people who are willing to take personal responsibility; people who truly internalize the locus of control. People who "have their shit together", to use a colloquial phrase. That doesn't require one to tote around six-shooters, constantly have at least 5 days growth, and wear flannel at all times. The "sissy boys" of rather androgynous bearing and style rarely have "their shit together". Of course, neither do the "masculine" caricatures that dominate modern media and culture.