Males and Females

It's not "Texas thinking", it's retard thinking. If everyone in Texas is a moron, I guess everyone of Jamaican decent likes Reggae, and every amateur actress is a total loser.

But those are totally true for me. :lol:

I was obviously being a little sarcastic with that; I don't actually think everyone from Texas believes that. I could make generalizations once in awhile on here if people can constantly make silly comments about women, blacks and whatever else. I am totally aware there are tons of people in NYC who believe that too, I was just mad and thought to comment before I burnt out/didn't care anymore.
this^^ is actually normal
it would actually be abnormal otherwise

Ok mongoloid_child, I will now show you an example of what I mean by a thin upper lip. This is my friend:



A blonde version girl with the upper-lip narrowness sexyness diagnosis, aka another friend:



And a girl that will show you much more is this porn bitch called Erin Stone who also has a thin upper lip. Here she is sucking dick or fucking, whatever you may -NSFW- -NSFW-.

Get it you dumbass?
Ugh, when some smooth-talking, well-dressed yet homeless guy comes up to you and your girl looking for weed, tell him to fuck off. I was feeling so nervous the entire time (despite many klonopins and chain smoking) and Rico Suave interferes. So cockblocked. My girl was going to leave early, but left even earlier cause she didn't want to come home high. I was so pissed. Anyway, we later found what we were looking for, though as soon as it's finished, the dude leaves me and I'm left in a park, by myself, no phone, stoned out of my mind.

At least I had my camera and my notebook - this is what true art is born from, my dudes.
So, I went on a date last week and everything was great up through the meet, but the tone of her texts changed a bit after the date. I know it is nearly impossible to interpret the tone of a text.

I think I might be done for a while. I'll just focus on playing video games and playing gold (which I need to do more of before the end of the year)
there's a really huge difference between ocasionally datting outside your own race and exclusively dating only outside of your own race

You have no right to question who someone dates at all...

It doesn't matter if someone doesn't date within their race. That doesn't matter. At all. ever.
So, I went on a date last week and everything was great up through the meet, but the tone of her texts changed a bit after the date. I know it is nearly impossible to interpret the tone of a text.

I think I might be done for a while. I'll just focus on playing video games and playing gold (which I need to do more of before the end of the year)

Same here, dude. Have you tried setting a Skype date? That's my plan...