Males and Females

Here's some OKCUPID chat yay

Aug 27, 2013 – 3:16am
your blog links don't work.

Aug 27, 2013 – 3:17am
Yes, they do, I've already had this conversation once this week and they work fine for most people.

I am perfectly aware of how to test a link, and that was a really rude message.
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Aug 27, 2013 – 3:19am
i didn't mean it to be rude, honestly I thought I was doing you a favour, that's why I just sent such a brief message without so much of a "hey how you doin?"

Aug 27, 2013 – 3:21am
It was rude whether you meant it to be or not, but ho hum.

(happened like 5 minutes ago)


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Aug 27, 2013 – 3:34am
you've got to have some pity on the brothers.

Aug 27, 2013 – 3:36am
Are you serious? what the fuck...
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Aug 27, 2013 – 3:38am
I've literally not one hour ago been called a c**t because I didn't reply to a message after nine minutes, I don't give a shit about creepy-ass men pressuring me into shit, being wildly inappropriate, ignoring my agency COMPLETELY and then /calling me the single most misogynist slur available when I don't do what they want/ - why would I PITY these people?
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Aug 27, 2013 – 3:39am
UGH and I know I'm now the one being really mean/rude but I'm kind of upset and shaken up about this whole being-a-woman-on-the-internet thing, more so than usual, so just feel super snappy. Sorry.
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Aug 27, 2013 – 3:48am
I don't think I'll ever find the article again, because it's old and hard to search for. Anyway, some butch lesbian, who was pretty androgynous decided to see how dating was for me, so she totally "manned" herself up and hit the bars. Anyway, after a while she got almost suicidal and totally regretted any amount of misandry she might have once held when she realised how tough a time it is for men.

As for those messages though, yeah they're pretty dumb. Your outspoken profile might make you a target for the kind of people who punch the air in celebration every time Rush Limbaugh calls someone a feminazi. I'm not suggesting in anyway that it's your fault though. Those guys are arses.

I've never sworn at someone on here, I try not to get that emotionally invested, although clearly when someone stops messaging back after a fairly long and interesting (and promising correspondence) it can be a bit of a downer.
Could you guys be friends with a really hot girl who only dated black guys or would it break your balls too much? I know one, although she isn't all that strict with it and has extended it to someone who looks a bit like a dark haired version of me but has a black grandma.

My old roommate was like that. It was really difficult to be friends with her, because I honestly was scared of her "ghetto attitude", and the random black dudes she brought in every night, but after a while we got to be pretty close. She also thought my Greek friend was hot, which I thought was kinda weird...

Another one of my best friends is the same way. She's a "bigger" girl, not really hot... but I'm not uncomfortable around her at all. She's actually like a big sister to me.
This really wouldn't matter to me at all. In fact, it's worse if her boyfriend is more similar to me because then I'll feel like there could be a chance.

This is exactly how I feel. I like being a C-C-COMBO BREAKER and showing people there is a world outside women with severe mental health issues and emotional problems. Mine are merely "mild."
Could you guys be friends with a really hot girl who only dated black guys or would it break your balls too much?

in America, these ghost-white, blue-eyed-blonde slutty-as-hell girls that only fuck chocolate dark ghetto-gangster black guys are all over the freaking place
and they really really freak me the fuck out

and tbh, regardless of anything else
if a female's not gonna have sex with me
then i'm not gonna be hanging out with her
I'm probably a little on the fence when it comes to racism, I really don't mean it and I've worked with a couple black guys that I would still gladly call friends, guys that would always joke around with you or cover for you if you need it, but I just don't think I could hang out with them irl. I've just never met the smart ass black guy that loves metal and horror movies to have a bromance with, I guess. I also have a communication issue with Ebonics but that's another matter.

And for the sake of the lady, I would never bring one of another ethnicity home to my family. It just wouldnt be fair to her even if i find find women of other races attractive (i do) But, again, don't get me wrong. I'm fairly happy with my bipolar white woman.
Facts About Black People In The Unted States of America

-Balck people make up 34.8% of all teenage pregnancies 1

-the number Black people "without a legal source of income" is double the number of white people "without a legal source of income 2

-Black people make up 37.8% of total incarcerated 3

-Black people make up 46% of total cases of AIDS 4

-Black people only make up 12% of the total population 5

National Vital Statistics Reports
US Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Bureau of Prisons
Center for Desease Control
US Census Bureau

when i seem racist

it's not me having a problem with skin-tone

it's me having a problem with the whole ghettoville gangsta-culture that created these statistics
Facts About Black People In The Unted States of America

-Balck people make up 34.8% of all teenage pregnancies 1

-the number Black people "without a legal source of income" is double the number of white people "without a legal source of income 2

-Black people make up 37.8% of total incarcerated 3

-Black people make up 46% of total cases of AIDS 4

-Black people only make up 12% of the total population 5

National Vital Statistics Reports
US Bureau of Labor Statistics
US Bureau of Prisons
Center for Desease Control
US Census Bureau

when i seem racist

it's not me having a problem with skin-tone

it's me having a problem with the whole ghettoville gangsta-culture that created these statistics

It's easy to throw out statistics without any context and jump to conclusions, but it's completely and utterly ignorant.

For example, a high percentage of African Americans in prison are incarcerated for non-victim crimes. On the other hand there is tons of white collar crime and corporate attrocities that go unpunished. So lets not pretend the imprisonment rate is indicative of the true crime rate.

AIDS and teenage pregancy has a lot to do with 1. poor sex ed in schools and 2. religious values. I would expect that you would see a similar pregnancy rate in poor, Chrisitan white areas. Inversely, I would expect there to be a low rate amongst affluent African Ameicans.

I'm not denying that there are cultural issues that in many poor African America neighborhoods that are parts of these problems, but to suggest that they are the only problem is just wrong.
Im getting ready to say sayonara to my bipolar white bitch.

Shit has been fucking shitty the past few months with only spurts of moments ranging from akward to good, the rest ranging from awkward to ferocious. Far more time is being put into working on the relationship rather than living it, and im too fucking young to be in this shit. Relationships shouldnt require this much energy and stress with an occasional moment to breathe.

Ive been at this point many times over the course of our relationship, and then ill break up with her, but keep taking her back with the hope that I can take her word and trust that "itll work out and will get better..." Well its not working out, and its not getting better, yet im still in it.

Even the sex is awkward now. So why the fuck am I staying in this shit? Am I holding on to bullshit hope that it will get better, when time has shown me that it just keeps getting worse? Im not afraid to be alone, I know Ill find someone else or find satisfaction in being alone, maybe im just co-dependent as fuck...When she begs for me to take her back, I give in to her emotions and sabotage myself...

Im getting ready to say sayonara to my bipolar white bitch.

Shit has been fucking shitty the past few months with only spurts of moments ranging from akward to good, the rest ranging from awkward to ferocious. Far more time is being put into working on the relationship rather than living it, and im too fucking young to be in this shit. Relationships shouldnt require this much energy and stress with an occasional moment to breathe.

Ive been at this point many times over the course of our relationship, and then ill break up with her, but keep taking her back with the hope that I can take her word and trust that "itll work out and will get better..." Well its not working out, and its not getting better, yet im still in it.

Even the sex is awkward now. So why the fuck am I staying in this shit? Am I holding on to bullshit hope that it will get better, when time has shown me that it just keeps getting worse? Im not afraid to be alone, I know Ill find someone else or find satisfaction in being alone, maybe im just co-dependent as fuck...When she begs for me to take her back, I give in to her emotions and sabotage myself...


my advice
(like anyone gives a shit about my advice any more)
just get up and start dating someone else