Males and Females

I wouldn't necessarily view it that way. Sometimes exes try to start the ball rolling again by creating opportunities for smalltalk, "checking in," and other bullshit things that seem meaningless, but are the start of a grander design.
What I'm mostly mad about is that I thought she understood me and loved me for who I am, but when I fell into one of her prejudices, she didn't reevaluate the prejudice (or even consider it when I told her to), but treated me like a completely different person and broke up with me for it.

She went on this rant about how all I do is smoke weed all day and how I don't do anything. I work and go to school and do plenty of stuff on the side. She knew all of that and I told her about it, but once pot came into the picture, I apparently turned into her stereotypical pothead that she hates.

I'm mostly affected because I thought she understood me more than anyone else, but then completely forgot who I am because of pot.

Is she one of those girls who thinks it's okay to drink like a fish on the weekend, yet looks down at anyone who smokes weed even occasionally as "lazy"?

Either way, let go of her. Sounds like a dumb bitch.
Showering is over-rated. Girls like it when you smell like shit.

Pheromones are a real thing and there one of the basic triggers in what makes one sexually attracted to another. When you wear deodorant/perfume/cologne you mask the scent of your pheromones.

I've had experiences where I've gone from just liking a girl to going totally wild over her smell. I've also had the opposite. I went several years without wearing deodorant, but eventually went back. It just doesn't make a good impression in work environments.
Pheromones are a real thing and there one of the basic triggers in what makes one sexually attracted to another. When you wear deodorant/perfume/cologne you mask the scent of your pheromones.

I've had experiences where I've gone from just liking a girl to going totally wild over her smell. I've also had the opposite. I went several years without wearing deodorant, but eventually went back. It just doesn't make a good impression in work environments.

Doesn't it only go for girls, though? Cause way back when we were concerned about procreation for survival (and long before we were concerned about wearing out our resources), a guy needed to be able to smell the woman to tell when she was ovulating, and it was usually by the smell of her shit. And while we haven't completely overcome our primal instincts, this is just something I always found way too weird.

But on the same coin, does it matter how the guy smells? I didn't think it does, since back then, sex wasn't exactly "consensual" (i.e. it didn't matter what they thought of us, as long as we were strong enough, we'd be able to get some. Oh, how times change.)
From my experience with the local Amish, there is nothing attractive about the smell of a "natural women." It's kill-people-migraine inducing. Freshly showered (though the flavor of the day is nice from time to time) is my preference. I'm sure many women would say the same about men.
Doesn't it only go for girls, though? Cause way back when we were concerned about procreation for survival (and long before we were concerned about wearing out our resources), a guy needed to be able to smell the woman to tell when she was ovulating, and it was usually by the smell of her shit. And while we haven't completely overcome our primal instincts, this is just something I always found way too weird.

But on the same coin, does it matter how the guy smells? I didn't think it does, since back then, sex wasn't exactly "consensual" (i.e. it didn't matter what they thought of us, as long as we were strong enough, we'd be able to get some. Oh, how times change.)

Uh where are you getting this info? I've never heard that ovulation could be smelled through shit and frankly that doesn't make any sense. Urine, maybe.

And the idea that sex wasn't consensual in early hominids is outrageous. Rape is not the predominate reproductive strategy amongst any social primates. It is also not very common in hunter gatherer societies.
Pheromones are a real thing and there one of the basic triggers in what makes one sexually attracted to another. When you wear deodorant/perfume/cologne you mask the scent of your pheromones.

Pheromones are of negligible importance for humans. I don't go around sniffing women in the butt to find someone who strikes my fancy.
normally I don't care too much for how girls smell. I have bad allergies so I can't even smell half the time. However, one day at the grocery store this girl was shopping and she had clearly just come from the gym. And I'll be goddamned if her sweat wasn't the sexiest thing I had ever smelled
Reminds me of the anecdote where the young fella applies for work at the joinery and claims how much experience he has so the boss tells him he will only get the job if he recognizes what wood some planks they give him are from, just by the smell. The guy's like ok and he's pretty confident. They blindfold him and they put a piece of wood on the table and he gets really close and he immediately says "that's obviously from a cherry tree" and the boss is like cool, they give him another one and the young guy smells it and says "that's from a pine". So the main joiner winks at his own wife and she gets naked and lays on the table. The guy gets close and sniffs and he's really baffled by the smell and thinks for a while and then he asks them to turn it around so the woman turns around and he sniffs again and then he's like "I got it! That's a toilet door from an old fishing boat".
Uh where are you getting this info? I've never heard that ovulation could be smelled through shit and frankly that doesn't make any sense. Urine, maybe.

And the idea that sex wasn't consensual in early hominids is outrageous. Rape is not the predominate reproductive strategy amongst any social primates. It is also not very common in hunter gatherer societies.

That site explains a lot. But I had heard it being released through feces in one of my psychology classes. That site more refers to animal behavior (though we're all descended from that, anyway), and it seems that different animals release pheromones in different ways, the one I mentioned being only one.

And I didn't mean violent rape when I said that. I meant that it was mostly men picking the females who they had sex with, mostly for procreation (we don't know for sure at this point if they ever did it solely for please or not.) And of course women were aware of the need to procreate, so they would submit. I'm not sure when or how the cultural shift changed, but I'm pretty sure this is how it was early on.

What I feel is stranger nowadays is that when it comes to procreation, it's more often the women selecting the men, almost a complete subversion of how it used to be. Some women today are perfectly fine being single mothers, and often, older women who want a child will settle for men less than them. These are often career oriented, well-educated women (i.e. they've been focusing on these areas of their lives before having a child) who will marry just about any guy. With guys, we can knock up a girl at any age, so long as we can get it up. We don't have to worry about that like they do.

Though when it comes to plain sex, guys seem to be just about finding the most attractive woman. With girls, they want one who they think can protect them - though not just physically. Despite being tall (6'2) and relatively good looking, I've had absolutely terrible luck with women. I assume it's due to my lack of self-esteem - which is the number one thing I hear girls say they want in a man: confidence.

So basically, you want me to be a self-important, narcissistic asshole? Yeah, okay bitch. You win.

(Apologies for any vast generalizations here, I'm speaking only about my own experience.)
Reminds me of the anecdote where the young fella applies for work at the joinery and claims how much experience he has so the boss tells him he will only get the job if he recognizes what wood some planks they give him are from, just by the smell. The guy's like ok and he's pretty confident. They blindfold him and they put a piece of wood on the table and he gets really close and he immediately says "that's obviously from a cherry tree" and the boss is like cool, they give him another one and the young guy smells it and says "that's from a pine". So the main joiner winks at his own wife and she gets naked and lays on the table. The guy gets close and sniffs and he's really baffled by the smell and thinks for a while and then he asks them to turn it around so the woman turns around and he sniffs again and then he's like "I got it! That's a toilet door from an old fishing boat".

I was expecting the boss to put his own wood on the table.