Males and Females

Fucking cheers Kevin! Happy birthday man, I hope you get fellated by a hot chick, shitfaced, in a alley. :kickass:

So Friday night was awesome. This chick, simply put, is fucking amazing. We get a long really well, and the fact that she is obscenely vulgar makes me laugh, a lot. Not a typical lady, I like that.

Ive never been with a girl where it felt so fluid and natural before. The 4 times Ive seen her its been the epitome of "hitting it off", you know, shit you see in the movies and think, "this shit never happens in real life". Granted, Ive known her a little over a week, but fuck, this one definitely has my eyebrow raised.

Saw her today and will be seeing her again tomorrow. Cancelled my other "dates" for the weekend because frankly Id rather devote my time to her.

Congrats man! Sounds like you met a really rad chick. Just enjoy the experience and don't get ahead of yourself and you'll be good!
Thanks Jael. Yeah im trying to not get a head of myself and just take things as they come. I have a history of doing it and its something Im definitely aware of.

And what the fuck are you guys talking about with Borderlines? Explain.
A friend of mine told me that she doesn't really like this one band unless she's listening to them with me. Does that sound like just a friendly thing or more?
The whining on here actually makes more entertaining reading than the attempts at helping fallen brothers who are struggling with some woe-some nymph.

I want a woman made of stone. An original woman, not a 2013 late teens bitch.
I'm not sure why I'm coming here for advice again since you guys are assholes and I already put on an embarrassing display of hypo-mania. Oh well.

I had a romantic fling this summer with a woman I've known for several years. We got back into contact via Facebook and talked pretty much all day every day for about three months. I am a pretty average looking guy and she is perhaps the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. A real 50s movie star look about her (slightly resembles Sherilyn Fenn, to give you an idea). To top it all off, she is an extremely good writer, unusually intelligent, and a free-lance painter. Yeah, pretty much everything I find attractive in a woman. Naturally, I was in a state of disbelief over her taking such a seemingly heavy interest in me. She had a boyfriend at the time we began talking so I didn't expect too much at first. Eventually, however, she began saying very romantically
suggestive things towards me. This made me feel uncomfortable so I called her out on it and she explained that she was trying to make it work with her boyfriend and that I'd gotten the wrong idea. I didn't really believe her so I continued talking to her and sure enough, she began talking to me in the same manner and claimed that she felt guilty about it. I responded to this by suggesting that she wasn't happy and that she should maybe consider ending things with her boyfriend.

She listened to me. Should have been a warning sign but I went by the assumption that she had realized, herself, that she wasn't in love with the guy. I later discovered that she is just an impulsive person and left him, temporarily, to try me out as an idea.

Given the fairly recent break up with my ex, I wasn't really ready for this and she is a confusing, almost nonsensical person at times. She constantly speaks in prose which leaves me over-analyzing a lot of what she says. I couldn't handle the confusion so I eventually began losing emotional self-control out of impatience and frustration, which I'm sure caused her to lose interest.

Either way, I feel pretty toyed with and stupid for thinking this had any real chance of going anywhere since we live at a five hour distance away. I blew up on her after she told me she was getting back together with her boyfriend but I suppose I expected it. I'm still pretty smitten with her even though she is an inconsiderate jerk who clearly thinks she is entitled to treat people as she pleases.

I will say, however, that my confidence has skyrocketed from holding the interest of this woman, so I can't say that something good didn't come from it. She flattered me in more ways than I can count and it made me realize that I have a lot of perks that go virtually unexplored.

Anyway, I'm not about to chase this woman but I'd like some advice on how to enter the dating world again. I frankly don't think bars are good places to meet women but I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to go about it otherwise. I don't really "get" the whole dating site thing but if someone finds certain ones useful, feel free to recommend them.
That would make a good short story. I might steal it. I like that "she always talks in prose." It doesn't spund like it had much of a chance to work out from the get go and you were letting your hopes shape your perception of reality. But hey, at least you got to hook up with a beautiful woman and have your self esteem boosted.
For dating sites, it seems that the general consensus is usually okcupid. I haven't had any luck with it yet, but I'm back at it. Or, you could just be King Richard and use magic. Seems to work for him.
For dating sites, it seems that the general consensus is usually okcupid. I haven't had any luck with it yet, but I'm back at it. Or, you could just be King Richard and use magic. Seems to work for him.

I made an OkCupid account a few weeks ago and it's been pretty useless so far. Could just be the area I live, though.
That would make a good short story. I might steal it. I like that "she always talks in prose." It doesn't spund like it had much of a chance to work out from the get go and you were letting your hopes shape your perception of reality. But hey, at least you got to hook up with a beautiful woman and have your self esteem boosted.

Well, partially. Part of the reason I couldn't handle her affection towards me was because I knew that the likelihood of it going anywhere was slim at best. I'm pretty sure I was just used as temporary relief from her dissatisfaction with her boyfriend. I was someone who was under the radar because of the distance and she knew that she could get back to the convenience of her boyfriend whenever she wanted (hence the impulsive decision to leave him for me). So do any unusually good-looking women not exploit their physical appeal and charm? This is the second one I've known who does things like this.
Sucks about what happened. I went through something very similar a few years ago.

I havnt met a unusually hot woman that doesnt. They all do. But so do men, so whatever. Shit still sucks. People need to be more straight up and honest with their intentions.

As far as sites, I could second OKCupid. You could also try Plenty of Fish. I would stick to one though, you dont want chicks seeing you on multiple sites lol That being said, the hottest women on average are on Match and EHarmony. Both those you got to pay for, fuck that..
I don't think people think about shit like that when they're doing it. She tried to play it off as being "misunderstood," followed by some vague reason as to what her true intentions were. Goddess-complex.

I'm browsing OkCupid now. I haven't come across so much as a single remotely cute girl so far, or even any without completely mundane interests.
Thats really rough, Obscure. Dont read too much into it, you sound like a good dude, sometimes good dudes just get caught up in the spell of a devil woman. it happens.