Males and Females

Try integrating some humor into your profile. It works for me. I'm just really honest in my profile and I actually get some decent messages.

Okay, so this chick chose me on Quickmatch, but she lives in Lexington KY which is like a 90 minute drive from me. Here is the convo:

Me: It's a shame you're in Lexington
Her: Why because you don't know how to drive?
Me: Yeah. I'm actually blind and using a speak and say to type this right now haha
Her: Damn you must be old
I didn't think they still had speak and says
i'm leaving work
we'll continue my kicking your ass tomorrow

Trap? Just aggressive? Please send me your thoughts, GMD
I work tonight and Friday. I'll PM you soon when I look at the rest of the schedule.

Ok, so fuck OkCupid. I messaged a girl who I thought I had a reasonable amount of things in common with. She looked at my account and then either a). deleted her account or b). blocked me. My "about me" sections are pretty intense and verbose about my interests, political views, etc. Perhaps I should take them down...

view her profile while logged out. if you can either see it, or it says "this user restricts access to people with accounts" then she blocked you.
view her profile while logged out. if you can either see it, or it says "this user restricts access to people with accounts" then she blocked you.

I don't remember what her user name was. I couldn't possibly have come on too strong from just that message alone, where I mostly discussed music taste that we both had in common. My profile information was pretty intense though, enough to scare a number of people off at least.

Also, if someone goes to your profile repeatedly, does it notify you every time?
If you are going to get this bent out of shape over one non-response, that site is not going to work out for you. You have to accept a very high rate of failure.

You should get a notice every time someone visits, unless they are subscribers or have turned on private browsing.
I honestly get a reply 2/3 times. The problem is there aren't that many interesting profiles in my area and I tend to only attract the kind of women I'm attracted to. I don't think many lower class women would see me as manly enough.