Males and Females

^ Welp, on to the next one dude.

Went out with that chick again last night. Went to a bar out in LA with some of her friends and some of mine. Shes been pretty distant lately, so a lot of the time I spent dancing, talking, and meeting new people.

Well, at the end of the night, ended up talking to some drunk chick because we were dancing a little, and during the convo, the chick im dating comes up and starts making out with me and pulls me away from the chick I was talking to. We werent dancing provocatively, I wasnt flirting, nada, it was completely innocent...She was rambling to me about how she used to have dreads and blah blah whatever.

As soon as I was pulled away, I made it very obvious that I was there, with her, and didnt give a fuck about that other chick I was talking to. After we were done making out, I told her immediately that she doesnt have anything to worry about, because I knew what she was doing. And she fires back with, Oh I wasnt worried! No big deal!

Well, I guess it was a big deal. It was rude and disrespectful of me to talk to this girl for so long, is what she told me. Whatever, if anyone knows me, they know Im very sociable. I talk to fucking everyone. Especially if Im drinking and dancing.

Anyway, Im kinda pissed. I can see where she is coming from, because Id react a similar way, but Ive been doing my damnest to make this chick know I like her, and that Im a good guy. I wish I could say shes putting in the same effort...But, I dont fuck around with bullshit like that. And for her to "claim" me like that, and then continue to be distant is fucking bullshit.

I think I handled the situation perfectly, and her insecurities or jealously got the best of her.

Ugh, I fucking hate dating.
If she acts like that when she's in the same room with you, imagine how paranoid psychotic she'll be if you're in a relationship and you decide to go out with your friends one night without her.
My girlfriend hates my beard. She tries to get me to shave it every time I visit. :lol:

She wants you to look more her age.

My girlfriend really likes my beard, and has been curious about what I'd be like clean-shaven. She absolutely forbids me from cutting my hair short, however.

Come to think of it, I'm only attractive to her insofar as I look like Varg.
When I've had girlfriends, they've liked the fact that I'm blond and one or two liked the fact that it's wavy and thick.
My girlfriend hates my beard. She tries to get me to shave it every time I visit. :lol:

Your "girlfriend" hates you. Your beard simply reflects her self loathing.

My girlfriend really likes my beard, and has been curious about what I'd be like clean-shaven. She absolutely forbids me from cutting my hair short, however.

Come to think of it, I'm only attractive to her insofar as I look like Varg.

So you're part of some obscure fetish, sounds healthy.
@ Kafka: I would say you handled that correctly. If she expects you to never interact with another woman in front of you she's a little delusional or very insecure.

Yeah pretty much what I was thinking.

Going out again with her tonight. Just us two. Should be interesting.

In regards to all the beard talk, ill leave with this:
