Males and Females

Weird situation that I don't know exactly how to handle...

A few months back this girl came into my work when I wasn't there and asked a coworker of mine if I was single, but my coworker just told her she wasn't aware. Fast forward to today this girl comes in to pick up a photo order she placed, and after I rang her up she handed me a small stuffed polar bear with a note on it saying Happy Holidays on one side and a note saying something basically along the lines of "Hey, I wanna talk to you but I'm nervous, but if you want we can be friends and talk" and then her phone number was on it...

I'm cool with being friends, because friends are most always welcome, but seeing as I'm not single at the moment I feel like I need to communicate this in some way, but I'm not sure how I should go about it.

Obviously I need to say that I'm not available, but I don't know how to set up a situation in which I can do that...because everyone I've talked to about it so far has said to make sure that I talk to her face to face about it, but I don't want to set up some kind of like "Hey lets go grab coffee" or something thing and have her think it is more than it is. I also can't just, as someone else I know suggested, wait around for her to come into the store the next time and make her wait it out...because that would be the dick move of the century.

I actually think you could tell her over the phone. It's not like you're breaking up with her, just tell her about your situation and maybe offer to hang out with her in the future.

But what the fuck do I know...
Meh, I've been wrestling with my potential bisexuality for a while now, and when the guy was coming on to me the one time we met, I did want to give it a shot. Whatever, as long as I don't get AIDS and die.

Give it a shot. If you don't like it, you're not forced to do it again. It's not like your body is soiled for all eternity after having contact with a man.
Mort: You owe this girl nothing. Just tell her over the phone that you're not single, but if she's game to be friends and grab coffee or something then awesome. its not like you have to tell her yor relationship status in person.
Mort, this is why we use text messaging. It;s real simple.

Mort uses teddy bear messaging. They are so cute they just give each other toys with shy messages pinned to them. They probably draw pictures of hearts and flowers there too. It's Mort's personality, that's all. Don't hate.
So, this is the girl I've been seeing for the past week.

She's into metal and drinks beer, hangs out with a similar crowd, is well-read and creative, both as a violinist and a seamstress, and is graduating with her BA in Humanities next spring. The only thing that's a little off about her is that she's legally blind (you can kind of see her lazy eye in the first pic) and can't drive as a result. But she doesn't live too far from me, and honestly the things her eye does have become kind of endearing at this point.
When she's flattered, which is often, her eyes tremble. Often times when she laughs they'll roll from one side to the other, and it just builds on the comedy.

... I like her a lot. I'm glad we're taking things slowly or I'd probably fuck this opportunity up.
Sweet! I approve of violinists.

I really want my roommate to marry this kid we're friends with. He reminds me a lot of MP - musical savant, engineer/science type, has a wacky sense of humor and is not into vices. He could support her and would never do her wrong. Everyone thinks he is gay but he isn't.