There is only one seen with Radagast in it Jeremy, you are going to be disappointed.
Only one scene? Thats weak.
That fool is so fucking gangster.
There is only one seen with Radagast in it Jeremy, you are going to be disappointed.
There is only one seen with Radagast in it Jeremy, you are going to be disappointed.
Mathiäs;10761526 said:Radagast is lame anyway. I thought the movie sucked. The book isn't good enough for a three movie sequence. The scene where Sauron overpowers Gandalf and imprisons him is also not accurate, the books say that Gandalf enters and exits Dol Guldur several times unnoticed. The next movie should be cooler though, the White Council's assault on Dul Guldur will occur, hopefully they include Saruman and Galadriel. It'd be cool to see them in action.
Zeph, I agree with that wizards comment as I am the biggest Saruman fan of all time.
Do you people in relationships like annoying your significant other? My man and I annoy the shit out of eachother on purpose. Lately my thing is whispering 'Danger zone' in his ear when he's trying to sleep and singing this song if he won't play video games with me:
Don't tell her that.
I'm taking Paddy on a date to see it this weekend.
^You playin with my melon bruv???
My woman made me cheese an egg english muffins today for lunch, Ive got me a good woman.
Yeah, I agree. The problem with the films is that they made a 290 page fantasy story into a 8+ hour movie trilogy. I can appreciate their efforts to delve deep into the backstory and stuff, and the inner Tolkien-nerd gets a massive hard on when they do it well, but of course it's totally unnecessary.
I actually REALLY liked that scene. Any scene with Wizards doing magic is going to be cool, and Sauron is always cool. I enjoyed that. My big beef was with Evageline Lily's character. She was fucking pointless. Cool and sexy and stuff, but worthless. Also, they really need to make the orcs into actual actors. I know that the action scenes would not be so stylized and shit, but that's the charm of the LOTR series. Those scenes were realistic and cool while the Hobbit fight scenes are an assault on the eyes. Still cool to look at and stuff, but kinda fucking ridiculous as well.
Smaug ruled though.
That's all lies, you're extremely attractive :Spin:
My good friend who has had terrible luck dating due to not being conventionally attractive recently landed a hot fit dude. PP called me his "catwife" this morning in a half-asleep huggy state. Tis the season of LOVE.
Still don't know wtf else to get him for Christmas. I guess the truck tent is a solid gift, and covering his airfare on our trip out West in April with my Delta miles, but I feel like it's lacking a personal touch.
is it cool, that i admit to having a woman crush on ya? haha
Totally get what you mean by personal gifts. Maybe something collectable? Like an old tv series he use to like or something like that. Thinking about getting the lovebug the Gargoyles box collection
We need some mods in here to make sure these women don't congregate too much. Can't have them discussing their inequality, now can we?