Males and Females

This isn't even a PC thing. This is a Rick is being a jackass about someone choosing to use a term such as partner. This is about there being no reason to give someone grief for using a term outside of girlfriend/boyfriend.

This isn't about me being a jackass, it's about the overly sensitive manginas around this place being just that.

Do you really think I give a shit what you call your SIGNIFICANT OTHER? Really? Reeaaaaalllllyyyy???

If I have to read one more thing like, "Oh, You can't call that Panda a female because you don't know what gender the Panda identifies as", I will blow my brains out.
If I have to read one more thing like, "Oh, You can't call that Panda a female because you don't know what gender the Panda identifies as", I will blow my brains out.

Sorry but I'm offended. I don't think panda is acceptable either. What if it doesn't identify as a panda, you fucking bigot?
There was a discussion regarding some EU country recently because they'd changed the caption on peoples ID cards from "mother" and "father" to "parent 1" and "parent 2". If mother and father are not acceptable, how are "penis" and "vagina" acceptable. Some people suggested calling them "genitals of the first kind" and "genitals of the second kind". But which should be first and which second?? Is the fIrst kind better??? YOU FUCKING CIS-SCUM I HATE YOU AND YOUR "CORRECT" GENITALS.
ondra, I know you think I'm crazy, but trust me on this, it's all part of the plan, to destroy our civilization. They'll be happy when western reproduction levels are far, far below replacement levels and the white male has not only been castrated and riddled with guilt, but also destroyed as a self conscious entity.
Hard to worry about politics when you have to worry about political correctness. Keep the simple amused with their tawdry sexual word games, won't have to worry about them raising a fuss about anything substantial.
I'd say the systematic subjugation of a vast, diverse group of people is kind of substantial. Making small strides by doing things like slightly altering language isn't exactly taking much time out of the day. It's basically common sense.

Edit: Just saw the post by SS. Not surprising that he manages to misunderstand the fundamental tenet of feminism. Just a hint: it benefits men, too.
ondra, I know you think I'm crazy, but trust me on this, it's all part of the plan, to destroy our civilization. They'll be happy when western reproduction levels are far, far below replacement levels and the white male has not only been castrated and riddled with guilt, but also destroyed as a self conscious entity.

Who came up with this plan? Is it those who sell kebabs and blow up Russian buses to distract us?

EDIT: Or was it the goblins in your left hemisphere?
I'd say the systematic subjugation of a vast, diverse group of people is kind of substantial. Making small strides by doing things like slightly altering language isn't exactly taking much time out of the day. It's basically common sense.

Obviously it's taking much time out of the day, and I can't believe you just tried to reference common sense.
Oz: If you're not even dating or banging this woman and she's giving you THIS much grief, run away from her. Plus she's married, so she's definitely not worth the trouble. Just ignore her. Maybe she'll go away
Obviously it's taking much time out of the day, and I can't believe you just tried to reference common sense.

Sorry, but reducing the important issues that a large group of people face to "tawdry sexual word games" is bullshit. Nobody is claiming that biased pronoun usage and the like is the absolute crux of the issue, just that it's one of many things that contributes to a negative, harmful patriarchal social climate. Why are you so hostile toward even engaging in conversation about such matters?

And yeah, Ozz, turn around, run far away, and never look back.
Sorry, but reducing the important issues that a large group of people face to "tawdry sexual word games" is bullshit. Nobody is claiming that biased pronoun usage and the like is the absolute crux of the issue, just that it's one of many things that contributes to a negative, harmful patriarchal social climate. Why are you so hostile toward even engaging in conversation about such matters?

Because the uproar is a distraction away from more important issues than how you and others relate to [your] genitals beyond leaving them alone when requested. If you want to identify as a lemur and have everyone refer to you as Julien that's fine, but you have no grounds to demand that treatment, and everyone else is not a dick for not playing along with whatever personal revolution you've got going on.
Do they dance as a sort of a flash mob for old people? I know there was a different thing like this in some US mall recently. Why do people do these things? :confused:

EDIT: Dakryn'd.
Because the uproar is a distraction away from more important issues than how you and others relate to [your] genitals beyond leaving them alone when requested. If you want to identify as a lemur and have everyone refer to you as Julien that's fine, but you have no grounds to demand that treatment, and everyone else is not a dick for not playing along with whatever personal revolution you've got going on.

On what grounds do you get to assign the "importance" factor of an issue (I'm only half serious, this raises a lot more philosophical questions that would quickly devolve into senseless pedantry)? Furthermore, we're not just talking about an obscure group of marginalized people like otherkins or whathaveyou. The issues that feminism seeks to address are so pervasive and problematic that it's socially irresponsible to refuse to even acknowledge that we live in a culture where women simply aren't treated as equals and continue to face barriers that should be abolished.

I actually do sympathize with your disgust at people prioritizing something like otherkins being outraged that they're perceived as strange over alarming political matters, but the fact that rape culture is a very real thing that many have no problem with is just as "serious" as the clusterfuck that is our current political situation.