The only people who believe that immigration, miscegenation and a political and media atmosphere of post-white supremacy will lead to a world without racism are people who are gormless enough to see it purely as a construct created by certain structures of power within a limited time span. The entire world would have to move in the same direction at the same rate, due to the effects of globalisation and so on. In the UK there is supposed to be a load of tension brewing between the Pakistanis and the recent Roma immigrants from Eastern Europe. They have very different ways of life. Now if you listened to the gormless, politically correct response to this, either from a mainstream politician or someone like Vimana, there would be some "positive" step towards a mystical eventual goal of harmony between the races. How can anything like that be finite or working towards something when you have mass immigration? What happens when the Syrians come? People will have always said what I'm saying now, but when did race riots stop happening, when did racially motivated murders stop? As far as I can tell they haven't, so a lot of what people say is bollocks. One thing happened towards the latter part of the last century, white people, as a whole, generally, ended up being more open minded about race and had less of a positive self conscious racial identity. Again, gormless politically correct people will be singing and dancing, waving rainbow flags about how great that is. I say, well it isn't shit, it's better than us still having what was going on in the US in the 1910s-1920s where entire black neighbourhoods would be destroyed in huge race riots over very slight incidents involving single individuals. It's also better than having the holocaust and apartheid and so on. There is another side though. It's not so much that now whites are the victims in the world or whatever, we're not, but unlike the time just before that period, we are no longer half of the world population, we don't directly administer most of the world and most of the supposed future world powers have none white populations, as well as non hispanic whites slowly losing their majority status in the US. Basically, it's a bit like this, the power of white people being less racist, to use a simplistic term, is offset by their decreasing power in the world. I think gormless people would, again, simply sing and dance about the latter, but through their horrendous world-view of absolute cultural relativism, they lack the customary phlegm and moral fortitude to be able to criticise social wrongs in none white populations and other societies generally. So you can see the problem.