Males and Females

That's a misconception that bedevils many an academic writer. Shorter, punchier, Germanic words tend to be more effective than diluted, Latinate words with multiple syllables. I always favor vocabulary that takes something with physical connotations and uses it figuratively. It substantiates it much more.

As someone in the middle of learning German, I can affirm that it is not always shorter or punchier.
That's a misconception that bedevils many an academic writer. Shorter, punchier, Germanic words tend to be more effective than diluted, Latinate words with multiple syllables. I always favor vocabulary that takes something with physical connotations and uses it figuratively. It substantiates it much more.

Translation: *Pretentious back-peddling explanation to avoid looking like a hypocrite*

Ease up man, I was keeping with the combo.

Besides a basic set of arbitrary standards, I think that the usage of punctuational tools are at the disposal of people for individual writers to decide how they see their usage best fit, in order to better express a statement in its context and in a way that reflects the personality of the writer.

inb4 grammar dissection.

No worries. My teaching Rhetoric, despite its frustrations, gets me thinking a lot about how much a writer's ethos is under the microscope in many ways that wouldn't seem to matter from the writer's perspective, but do in fact influence the audience on some level. One would not expect an internet forum to be the same discourse community as an academic conference, but egos function the same anywhere.

Hell, the medium of communication here sets up grammar Nazism so well, because it depends on written prose to carry on very informal conversations. It's a mismatch.

As someone in the middle of learning German, I can affirm that it is not always shorter or punchier.

The stuff I read translated from German contains a lot of really long, annoying-to-read run-on sentences, so I agree.

I didn't say German, I said Germanic, which most can agree tend to be shorter (and often more onomatopoeic) than the words derived from Latin and Greek. And I'm speaking of indivudal words, not longer thought units. Does that make sense, now?
That's a misconception that bedevils many an academic writer. Shorter, punchier, Germanic words tend to be more effective than diluted, Latinate words with multiple syllables. I always favor vocabulary that takes something with physical connotations and uses it figuratively. It substantiates it much more.

If you had used proper grammar your observations about public fornication would have been taken seriously.

You can't be serious...
Lipstick lesbians go nuts for me. I have a certain androgynous intimidation to my looks that gay chicks dig. Feminine features... but being raised by my father, I carry myself like a man.

Too bad I'm not gay or I'm pretty sure I'd have my pick of women.
That's a misconception that bedevils many an academic writer. Shorter, punchier, Germanic words tend to be more effective than diluted, Latinate words with multiple syllables. I always favor vocabulary that takes something with physical connotations and uses it figuratively. It substantiates it much more.

If you had used proper grammar your observations about public fornication would have been taken seriously.

Not sure if being ironic or just not noticing the cognitive dissonance...
How's that going? I'm also trying to learn it. The fucking articles are killing me.

Yeah, they are pretty unnecessary unless you're reading complex prose in which they help you know the case of the nouns involved. It's pretty silly that German has both a case system AND is governed by rigid syntactical rules (but at least it's regular!).

I would be OK with German doing what Dutch did in the past century and simplify all those articles into something more like English.
I think the time will come when women will put cum on their faces before going outside, especially on special occasions. They will just realize they look the best that way and that men like that more than make-up. It will be a part of the ongoing androgenization of society, the understanding of our kind's core needs.
How's that going? I'm also trying to learn it. The fucking articles are killing me.

There is simply no rhyme or reason for the article assignment to nouns and yeah it is a fucking bitch. There are some rules of thumb for words ending in vowels/s and en/er iirc, but that is minimally useful.Knowing Das Auto and Das Handy only gets you so far. At least plural in the nominative is always Die.
I think the time will come when women will put cum on their faces before going outside, especially on special occasions. They will just realize they look the best that way and that men like that more than make-up. It will be a part of the ongoing androgenization of society, the understanding of our kind's core needs.

Interesting. I'm not opposed to the idea.
I think the time will come when women will put cum on their faces before going outside, especially on special occasions. They will just realize they look the best that way and that men like that more than make-up. It will be a part of the ongoing androgenization of society, the understanding of our kind's core needs.

Where will they get all that cum? Will there be tariffs on imported cum?
Where will they get all that cum? Will there be tariffs on imported cum?

Women with husbands will ask them "honey cum on my face I'm gonna be late to the party" and lazy husbands will answer "you don't have to use cum, you look good like this". And woman will go "but honaaay, all the other girls will have cum on their faces, i'm sure"!

"They can tell when I'm using the cheap l'Oreal substitute."

"I'm running low on that btw".
Look dude, I'm not telling you that you're wrong, but how will you feel when little malaysian boys get shipped off to government-owned cum factories the second they hit puberty. We need to consider the matter on a global scale.