Males and Females

If I was a dude, I'd not get away with half the shit I say to my significant other. I'm not quite disrespectful, more trying to be funny, but sometimes if he bitches about being hungry I'll start making out with him and whisper "I know something you can eat."

i'll eat pussy all freaking day
I have to drive to a staff building every day during my work shift. Every so often, the cutest girl is working and she flirts with me every time I walk in. I didn't think much of it at first until the other day when she dropped where she works, specifically (we work for the same company). Like an idiot, I didn't get her name or number.

What is the least stalkerish way I can go about this? I've debated doing something like looking up the number for the home she works at, ask the person answering what her name is and to give her my number. The best option, of course, would be to just wait until she pops back up at the staff building but I guess she only gets transferred there occasionally.
Messaged an ex a couple days ago since she seemed depressed. Told her if she needed to talk, I was always willing to listen.

I was met with an "OMG. Go away."

Now I remember why I didn't talk to the girl. Oops. She can wallow in her terrible personality, a personality that makes guys hate her and leave her a month in.