Males and Females

There is simply no rhyme or reason for the article assignment to nouns and yeah it is a fucking bitch. There are some rules of thumb for words ending in vowels/s and en/er iirc, but that is minimally useful.Knowing Das Auto and Das Handy only gets you so far. At least plural in the nominative is always Die.

how far along are you guys? I'm on my 2nd semester of it, not too shabby i guess. Got to go at least one more but will keep on keepin' on if I don't suck at it.

Learning future tense/dative prepositions some other shit that i can't remember now
how far along are you guys? I'm on my 2nd semester of it, not too shabby i guess. Got to go at least one more but will keep on keepin' on if I don't suck at it.

Learning future tense/dative prepositions some other shit that i can't remember now

In my second semester as well, and yeah we are on dative at this point. Dir mir Ihnen etc etc. Are you guys using Na Klar? I need all 4 levels for my Psych degree.
Na Klar a textbook? We use a CU boulder specific one, Kontakte I think the name is. School requirement is only 3 semesters but who knows, might be good if I go into a german-historian path
Na Klar a textbook? We use a CU boulder specific one, Kontakte I think the name is. School requirement is only 3 semesters but who knows, might be good if I go into a german-historian path

Yeah it is.


Not a fan of the structure really but don't really have a choice lol.
I would be OK with German doing what Dutch did in the past century and simplify all those articles into something more like English.

Interesting, I didn't know the Dutch had done that. I can't see the Germans going for that idea though for some reason.

There is simply no rhyme or reason for the article assignment to nouns and yeah it is a fucking bitch. There are some rules of thumb for words ending in vowels/s and en/er iirc, but that is minimally useful.Knowing Das Auto and Das Handy only gets you so far. At least plural in the nominative is always Die.

I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I'll keep getting a lot of them wrong until I'm more familiar with the language and just concentrate on expanding my vocab. It's annoying though because the program I'm using to learn (Duolingo) is really good with everything else but if you get the article wrong you don't even get awarded a half point.
Interesting, I didn't know the Dutch had done that. I can't see the Germans going for that idea though for some reason.

I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I'll keep getting a lot of them wrong until I'm more familiar with the language and just concentrate on expanding my vocab. It's annoying though because the program I'm using to learn (Duolingo) is really good with everything else but if you get the article wrong you don't even get awarded a half point.

I was told the best way is to always learn nouns with their articles....which sucks.
I completely suck at picking up girls, and I've still dealt out facials to four girls. I don't know what your point is. I don't think you have one. Get lost.

You just furthermore proved my point tbh...
Sucking at picking up girls? LAME.
Remembering how many facials you gave exactly? EVEN MORE LAME.
Now you get lost you piss poor excuse for a man.
I actually am, but actually I was going for something more like GAY with those words, cause I don't see the tough sides in saying you're sticking your cock into another guy's throat really
If I was a dude, I'd not get away with half the shit I say to my significant other. I'm not quite disrespectful, more trying to be funny, but sometimes if he bitches about being hungry I'll start making out with him and whisper "I know something you can eat."