Males and Females

Didn't read much into your first post, but it depends on if you want to sacrifice a friendship for a chick. Despite how arbitrary his ultimatum might seem, friends are better investments than women IMO.
@Satanstoenail, I didn't immediately say "fuck him", his response to finding out was to tell his ex that he couldn't be friends with either of us if this was going to be a thing. I think that demonstrates a real lack of understanding about what's going on. It's not like I snagged up his ex 2 weeks after they dated; they'd been dating for like 6 months, he moved across the country (and in some conversations with him prior to moving, he had mentioned part of it was to get away from the emotions that dating her caused him due to their incompatibility) and they'd been separated for several months at that point. I seriously didn't think he had any more romantic feelings for her. I don't think I really have to "ask permission" in that case, but maybe I'm being insensitive.

Also, he left me a voicemail the other night that said "we're still like brothers and I'll always love and respect you but for as long as you're with her, we can't be friends."

If anything, it sounds like he's more mad at her than anything. I find his response silly. If he loves and respect you, why can't you guys still be friends?
My perspective is that any woman who is an ex is a whore in the mind of the ex-boyfriend, and thus anyone she associates with is persona non grata. If it's a friend, he's not a friend anymore. It's how people (especially insecure people) deal with breakups. They invent whatever they can to justify in their minds that the person they used to date was the sum of all vices. Those who might disagree with that interpretation (i.e. someone now dating/banging said female) are especially threatening to what the ex-boyfriend NEEDS to believe in order to move on and find someone new. It's a part of getting over someone: justifying to oneself that the previous partner was a total mistake.
In other words, one's best friend dating the person you are no longer dating is a threat to neat categorization of "ex-girlfriend bad, friend good".
Which is consistent with my theory that exes cannot be friends. Convincing oneself that a former partner is evil is a coping mechanism.
Which is consistent with my theory that exes cannot be friends. Convincing oneself that a former partner is evil is a coping mechanism.

I disagree with you there (and I'm sure guys like KafkaX do too). I think there's a possibility you can form a friendship, but it all depends on how the breakup happens... but 99.99% of the time, breakups aren't pretty. So basically, I think it can happen, but it usually can't/won't.
It also depends on the reason you guys broke up. It's one thing if they got drunk and beat the shit out of you, but it's another if you guys just found yourselves not clicking romantically.
It's hard but not impossible, like Vimanna said it just depends on how and why the relationship ended. My most recent ex and I talk sometimes because we know each other so well, no background or anything is needed when discussing problems. It's good to have that perspective. But we do not hang out or do anything aside from talk occasionally.
I think it's easier to stay friends with an ex if you have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy about future romantic relationships. That's a lot easier if you don't have the same circle of friends and aren't going to run into any gossip.
Was at the girl's place yesterday and stuck my peen to her mouth boom boom and came on her face and then I played with her boobs and waited a bit for my dick to respawn and then I fucked her and still came too fucking early which was kinda awkward. Took like 4 liquid shits at her place yesterday as well. Now I'm at my dad's place listening to Janáček's Suite for String Orchestra JW 6/2.
To be honest... Ive always believed that when it comes to my male friends, exes are immediately off-limits.
Personally I couldn't give a fuck who said chick is related to I'll still bang her if the opportunity arises.

If I saw her family was full of dirty village gypsies then I'd fucking take my time deciding, even if the girl looked clean, clever and hot. One mate from my neighborhood fell in love with this silly little bitch that looks all cute and shit, but I looked up her relatives and "ew". No wonder she got pregnant when she was 15.
Gypsies are the fucking worst. They can take their gypsy weddings and child pregnancies and tax evasion and fuck off.
@Satanstoenail, I didn't immediately say "fuck him", his response to finding out was to tell his ex that he couldn't be friends with either of us if this was going to be a thing. I think that demonstrates a real lack of understanding about what's going on. It's not like I snagged up his ex 2 weeks after they dated; they'd been dating for like 6 months, he moved across the country (and in some conversations with him prior to moving, he had mentioned part of it was to get away from the emotions that dating her caused him due to their incompatibility) and they'd been separated for several months at that point. I seriously didn't think he had any more romantic feelings for her. I don't think I really have to "ask permission" in that case, but maybe I'm being insensitive.

A couple of months is not a very long time. I'd have at least worded him up about it. Him finding out via photos of you together on FB must have sucked. He sounds like he's overreacting based on how long he was with her, but you haven't played this very well imo.

My perspective is that any woman who is an ex is a whore in the mind of the ex-boyfriend, and thus anyone she associates with is persona non grata. If it's a friend, he's not a friend anymore. It's how people (especially insecure people) deal with breakups. They invent whatever they can to justify in their minds that the person they used to date was the sum of all vices. Those who might disagree with that interpretation (i.e. someone now dating/banging said female) are especially threatening to what the ex-boyfriend NEEDS to believe in order to move on and find someone new. It's a part of getting over someone: justifying to oneself that the previous partner was a total mistake.

Is this really what you think? It's an extremely limited view.
It's exaggerated (I was drunk), but it does indicate a very common experience. Taking an overly negative view of an ex-partner, being spiteful and all that, is a way of compensating for the feelings one still might have for that partner. Putting that partner into a neat categorization of "the bad past" instead of "the better present" helps one move on. If that ex is dating your best friend, that maintains the presence of something you wished remained in the past.
A couple of months is not a very long time. I'd have at least worded him up about it. Him finding out via photos of you together on FB must have sucked. He sounds like he's overreacting based on how long he was with her, but you haven't played this very well imo.

Yeah, I probably should've asked him but I don't think I would have respected his response, so I'm probably just an asshole in a way, though I also don't think I really did anything on purpose; an attraction happened and we went for it. Also, they weren't pictures of us, just her being tagged in location posts with me on my phone, etc. and he pieced it together. We were careful not to do pictures together because of the pain it could inflict, which I was in agreement with.