Males and Females

No, most girls won't let you do anal because they don't want to do anal. They don't have prostates, so it's not fun for them (like it is for gay guys).

Just depends on the woman. Several women I've been with really enjoy it. Anal sex is complicated to do well, it requires that she eat very light throughout the day and douche beforehand. That fact alone makes it something most won't want to bother with.

Men seem to enjoy it more though. I've done it with both sexes a lot and for women it seems just to be something to add variety, whereas men who are true bottoms can get off just off penetration alone.

As a bisexual I obviously enjoy anal sex and I go back and forth on which feels better (vaginal vs anal).
Applying strong pressure and rubbing firmly near the anal cavity while jerking off is good enough for me. Actual penetration scares me.
I really like the concept of dry humping. Fluids are gross. Probably 97% of the time I masturbate I never even touch or look at my bare penis.
Mathiäs;10848532 said:
As a bisexual I obviously enjoy anal sex and I go back and forth on which feels better (vaginal vs anal).

When did this happen? I remember when you were first going to do a chick with another dude for the first time.
I really like the concept of dry humping. Fluids are gross. Probably 97% of the time I masturbate I never even touch or look at my bare penis.

You don't touch your dick while masturbating? You do it like a dog or something?
My bare dick. There's usually clothing over it when touching it. But yes, humping random objects is even better.
HamburgerBoy, you are one strange fuck, you know that? But, then again, you most likely already know that.
Either way,
When did this happen? I remember when you were first going to do a chick with another dude for the first time.

I've always had the interest in it, and after doing that it affirmed that it was more than just curiosity. I'm more attracted to feminine qualities in men though, masculinity is a turn off. I'm not sure why that is.

And I personally don't like being penetrated either, I've had women try to finger me while riding it and I am not into it. Pressure on the general area isn't bad once in a while for a new sensation.
I'm not really attracted to dick though. I'm not turned off by it, but (so far) I'm not into giving oral to men. Much more of an ass person.
I thought she was hot until I saw her cock... Then I thought she was on fire! :lol: totally kidding.

But wow, well done! Her face looks both feminine and masculine at the same time but yeah she's not bad at all.