Males and Females

Yes, but you can choose to become a trans man or trans woman. But that's not the same thing as being a man or a woman.

...You can identify as a Christian or an Atheist or whatever I would like in regards to religion, but you can't biologically be a Christian. "Being" Christian is simply a concept, just like gender identity is simply a concept. You can chose to identify as whatever you'd like, just like you can chose to identify as a member of a certain religion, but you can't just chose your Biological Sex. If you have a Penis, you are not a Woman.

Bullshit, you do NOT choose your gender identity.
Meh to this conversation. This is more important:

Bullshit, you do NOT choose your gender identity.

And what you're talking about doesn't fucking mean anything because we don't identify as our biological sex - we identify as our gender.

We choose to identify as a certain gender. Somebody with Gender Dysphoria chooses to identify as the Gender they would like to be, but people with Gender Dysphoria can also choose to suppress their true feelings, and identify as the gender that corresponds with their biological sex, as many do or have done.

You can't choose your Gender Identity, but you can choose to accept or deny your true Gender Identity. Somebody born as a man, but feels like a woman, can choose to identify as such, and even dress and/or surgically modify their body to legally identify themselves as such, and thus you get a Trans Woman. But a Trans Woman is not the same thing as a Woman. Especially a Trans Woman who still has their Penis from birth.
Honestly, it isn't even a matter of choice. You don't choose your gender, I agree with you there.

So how the fuck are you going to say that jailey bay guy isnt a man/male or get butthurt when i referred to him as one?

I really don't give a shit what people want to do with themselves. You can go wear a silk thong, miniskirt, a tube-top and lipstick for all i care. It's just sad to think that one day my kids(if i have any) are going to have to grow up in this cesspool ... actually as of right now, im almost sure i dont even want to bring kids into this filthy world(but that's a whole nother story which i have plenty of reasons for, so dont jump to conclusions and get all homicidal on me).

You can identify yourself as whatever the fuck you want, but that still doesn't change the fact that you are a MAN/MALE ... and to say otherwise is just ridiculous. Also, I just dont see how or why me calling that guy a he would get you so mad? :lol: Go and grab yourself a box on bonbons and cry it out sweety.
Whoa, calm down Nancy ... dont get your panties in a bunch.

Exactly. You're either born a male or female, being a man or woman isn't something you get to fucking choose. Only in this day and age will you find people who are so seriously sick and fucked up in the head, such as mort, that they have to question such things.

You ignored the second part of my post but it was kind of important, there are people of interderminate sex who are, for example, born with internal testes where you would expect ovaries and no womb.
Because Bailey Jay is a woman.

She did not choose to be.

Simple as that.

How is this some sign of the world declining? I really don't get how THIS is what makes you think the world is a cesspool.
Because Bailey Jay is a woman.

She did not choose to be.

Simple as that.

How is this some sign of the world declining? I really don't get how THIS is what makes you think the world is a cesspool.

No, Bailey Jay is a Trans Woman. She did not chose to be born a man, so she became a Trans Woman, but kept her penis.

There's nothing wrong with that, though.
How is this some sign of the world declining? I really don't get how THIS is what makes you think the world is a cesspool.

First they took our good women and they gave them family planning books, the riddled their weaker minds with talk of feminism and empowerment. You know what the swines did after that? They spoilt their purity, they took a fair, noble and demure woman and they set the helions of the world upon her and made her the mother of bastards. Now that we are a broken people, our statues smashed, our culture defiled and all that was beautiful and pure smeared with excrement, do you know what they want now? They want to take some of our young men, bedevil their innocent minds with ideas of liberalism, relativism and sexual freedom, then they want to dress them up as sluts and have men come and sodomize them.

/ Joke
Bailey Jay really confuses me sexually. She makes me gay or whatever... I'd easily let her blow me, I might fuck her but I'm not sure if I can let her do anything to me.