Males and Females

Here's a real question; If you want to be a woman, why would you keep your penis? Can somebody at least explain that to me?

From what I understand gender is on a spectrum with male and female being on the two opposite sides. Some people can fall in between but they can be more female if that makes sense. So she obviously falls somewhere in between (meaning she has aspects of both) but is more female (from what I can tell and from what she shows).
1) I really am not being to be rude, but refute this point please. If a person can choose to be a woman, even though they were born a man, why can't I choose to be black? If I went and got my skin pigmented black, and called myself a proud black man, would that not be the same.

2) I doubt Neph is disgusted, I believe he (and I) just wish to understand better.

3) Ad hominem and strawman. Tbh.

FWIW, Mort's post was in response to one of TB's posts. (Well, at least #'s 2 and 3)
People need to stop using "TB" to refer to TechnicalBarbara because at first on the last page I thought Mort was calling me garbage. I was like "whoa now I'm not that bad".

Just call him Barb or something. Baaaaarbara.
is jus deez libral joos from the UN and Democrats trying to do away with us silent majority all murican sons.

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yadda yadda yadda


... first thing that pops into my mind every time you post. :lol:
People need to stop using "TB" to refer to TechnicalBarbara because at first on the last page I thought Mort was calling me garbage. I was like "whoa now I'm not that bad".

Just call him Barb or something. Baaaaarbara.

Just think of TB as him, and The Butt as you. "TechnicalBarbarity" is more annoying and tiresome to type out than "The Butt", so we're going to call him TB.
furthest left and second in from the right have the most promising bums.

Some darkish women are hot btw that wasn't the point. I don't really have a type, but brunette eastern european girls with brown or green eyes are it if I do have one.
Yeah, the one in the pink is my fav. The one on the far left has some manly ass paws, but i'd still band ths hit out of her .. along with the rest of the chicks in that pic.

Edit: One of my friends fucked her(pinkie) that day, and is still hitting that from what i know ... he's the one who took that pic. It's at one of the hotels in Vegas ... cant remember the name. Might have been Cosmo.