Males and Females

2nd from left clearly has the best complexion and firmest looking body so i'll go with her.

Really? Look at the waste and hips on the one in the pink. I think her body is better, plus she has the best complexion by far .... i mean look at all of their bottom halfs, no white ass cheeks on her. But yea, those two are the hottest imo.

Also, i dont like that big ass gap she has between her thighs, looks like someone can park a fucking yacht there.

edit: is that a shit stain i see on the far left chick? :lol:
1,3 and 5 all have visible flab. 2 and 4 are toned but 2 has the more even skin color.
Really? Look at the waste and hips on the one in the pink. I think her body is better, plus she has the best complexion by far .... i mean look at all of their bottom halfs, no white ass cheeks on her. But yea, those two are the hottest imo.

Also, i dont like that big ass gap she has between her thighs, looks like someone can park a fucking yacht there.

edit: is that a shit stain i see on the far left chick? :lol:

Are you retarded? The "thigh gap" is a consequence of the fact that her feet are further apart than those of the other girls. And lol @ an Armenian complaining about a darker skin birthmark being a "shit stain".
She's not the only one there with her feet apart you nitwit, she clearly has the biggest thigh gap there. Also, it's funny how you keep mentioning my ethnicity in every other post(not that it even made any sense here, or ever for that matter) just to try and rile me up, lol .... I think a big, nice icepack to your fanny should solve the problem.

I enjoy these discussions with Mort because I'm curious about the problem too (and I also enjoy his feminine butthurt). I wonder what it's like to think you were SUPPOSED to be something different instead of just wanting it. Where's the line between wishing to be a woman (or black) and believing that you're supposed to.
I also feel some sort of hypocrisy from the people who try so hard to erase the differences between males and females yet cling so much to what they're being called.

EDIT: Let's just fucking attach the words to whether you have a dick or pussy and delete the rest. Everyone should be happy that way.
Fat chicks get a bum rap man. Some of them actually have a personality as it is a necessity and are quite fun. I can handle 5'5 170lbs as long as she has a pretty face, cute feet, nice skin, ya know she takes care of herself.
Once the pussy's hidden it's nothing to fight for with your sexual forces (I'D SAY).
A good thing about girls is that there's so many of them. Once you fall in love with some unavailable one you can always play a little trick on yourself and go after another even if it's just a distraction. And there's more and more.

Lately I seem not to be able to fall in love. Not even girls I fuck or see daily at school, and that's been traditionally happening to me. Some girls I've known for longer still have a special place in my heart though which I realized about a week ago during our school festival. It's a big thing where we vote the prettiest student of our university. Basically girls walk around in bikinis and professors from various faculties form a commission and vote for which one has the nicest ass. Then there's bands playing and a lot of weed smoked. This year there was about 10000 people from all of Prague because our campus is a pretty place and the festival rules.

Well this year I drank even more than regularly on this party because the same day I passed my last exam. It was pretty easy but you have to celebrate and I was drinking pretty heavily for the entire day. I had two bottles of great wine and I also had three Urquells at the campus pub and also some weed and I didn't eat much. No wonder my shit got all liquid and I had trouble finding a toilet open because they close the dorms at 8:00PM so no drunks go inside and sleep there like homeless gypsies. Well as I was walking around there completely wasted in panic I shat myself a little. Not that I ruined my shorts, it was just that liquid shit between your bums and you know you've been a bad boy. And well, as I was walking there rapidly thinking about where to have my sanitary toilet visit, I met my fucking Polish ex-girl. And it was about a year since I've talked to her and we were planning to so I had to stop by with my shitted bums and do a little small-talk.

It was probably horrible but I don't remember a single sentence. I remember I noticed her boyfriend after few lines and I remember her voice was cracking, she sounded like she smoked 50 cigs a day which was amazing.

The next day I woke up on the couch at my father's place and the first thing that came to my head was her fucking name. That moment I realized that my feelings for her would come back in 30 seconds and the fact that it didn't happen full-on that time was probably caused by having shit coming out of my ass while talking to her. She's just so full of energy. And I'm not.

I texted her and she responded along the lines of "you were nice and I enjoyed talking to you, but you were a bit perplexed" and I said oh yeah I don't know why. Then I checked the damage on my shorts and took a shower cause my ass got all irritated from spending 30 minutes looking for the toilet. The girl I fuck now messaged me too, saying that she's sorry she didn't find me later on that party. She's too fucking kind to me. I shit myself and leave her without saying anything and it's HER FAULT?

Yesterday I was drinking with my friends from school and my ginger dreadlocks friend said I was his idol because I have an older girlfriend who I give zero fucks about. He said he's not capable of that. However, it's not an ability! I'm just incapable of loving her and I'm also incapable of saying "no fuck you I don't love you and I never will".

I'm afraid no new girl can override the special feelz I have for about 10 girls that I remember from the past.

Horse-chick being another fucking example.