Males and Females

It's apples and oranges. Hell, I love comparing apples and oranges.

Oranges > apples. I prefer lemons and grapefruits though, if we're talking citruses. I prefer pears to apples but that may be due to the fact that I'm a little allergic to apples and my throat feels scratched after I eat them. Same thing happens when I eat cherries but more severely, so I don't eat those at all. I like melons. There are big quality differences in strawberries and raspberries. I like apricots and nectarines a lot.

INB4 Schmidt "healthy food sucks drink a thousand beers eat only greasy amrucan shit".
Onder what would you have done if some gypsies had started dancing around you both and then started pissing on you?
Onder what would you have done if some gypsies had started dancing around you both and then started pissing on you?

That really wouldn't be good. I had to undress almost completely because I find fucking with trousers on nearly impossible. I've had this problem since ever. Even though I like the idea of just whipping my cock and doing it with clothes on, trousers fucking suck as they obstruct movement when they're half down. It really wasn't discreet at all, what we did. But we laughed at the people noticing us and commenting on it, so I guess it was..... fun?
Czech must be super lenient on public exposure. In the US that could get you locked up as well as on the Sex Offender registry. Even pissing in public could get you on the registry, so...yeah.
Just keep your trousers all the way up, pull your dick out and pull your boxers out a bit to protect your junk from the zipper. It's not ideal, but if you're doing it in public that's the way to go, imo.
Czech must be super lenient on public exposure. In the US that could get you locked up as well as on the Sex Offender registry. Even pissing in public could get you on the registry, so...yeah.

Europe seems to be opposite the US with this stuff. I knew this girl from Germany who told me about a guy masturbating in class and rubbing his cum in her hair. It was a funny story to her. Here, that kid would be thrown in a psych ward and be shunned.
Well how the fuck did that even happen to begin with?

Are you asking me how to get laid..?

Czech must be super lenient on public exposure. In the US that could get you locked up as well as on the Sex Offender registry. Even pissing in public could get you on the registry, so...yeah.

Czech is quite fine with this but London for example? Not so much. The fine for pissing in public there is so fucking high you really think twice about doing it. From what I've heard.
I make a sport out of pissing in public. Anytime I'm out drinking with my bros I try to see how many different non-bathroom locations I can urinate in. Extra points for odd or risky locations. My all-time best: behind a parked cop car (dude was sleeping).
Generally, yeah. Although when I have the option I prefer to pee on churches, synagogues, or mosques. I'm not trying to be edgy, but if I have to pee on something...if any of you are ever in Montreal and find yourselves admiring one of the city's many old churches, just be aware that it's a near-certainty that I've pissed on it.
Do you piss on cars? Friend used to do that. He also once peed in some passage in the centre of the city and two security guys came and told him to wipe it with his t-shirt. When he refused they beat him up there until he was laying in his own piss.

Oh security guys. What a fun bunch.
post it here


Better late than never. I was so fucked up I could barely keep my eyes open...

Btw, excellent photobomb.