Males and Females

The fact that she "wasn't thinking" just makes it worse. Rather than her actually indicating feelings for Cody, she has just indicated she'll fuck practically whatever is available in the moment. Your friend needs to end that relationship permanently.
Weve told him this shit for yearrrrrrrs but hes a pussy. He finally did it about a month ago and the girl threatened to kill herself, so he got back with her. (Because thats the most logical thing to do in that situation, right?)

Its to a point where shes been written off from my friends list. There is always some sort of bullshit that comes along every time shes around. Sometimes its minor, and sometimes its fucking major. Needless to say, this was the last straw for me.

This situation really made me re-evaulate my current relationships and realize some people I need to let go of. Shes first to go.
Anyone who threatens suicide to keep a person trapped in a relationship needs serious help, and that relationship is the greatest obstacle to receiving it.
Been guilty of doing that. Complying just makes it worse. Then "they're just with me to avoid potential guilt" is behind everything and they feel more worthless. Besides, suicidal people tend to feel powerless and will cling to whatever little power they have. But the ones that are actually serious about it just do it and don't throw people chances to save them. Saying it for attention sucks, but it's worse for leverage.
Suicidal people really shouldn't be in relationships to begin with...or just need to realize that they probably aren't going to get that attention they're looking for. A good buddy of mine dated a chick who threatened that shit all the time, he left her, she still threatened, he (thankfully) didn't budge, she did nothing in the end. Not to say that some people won't not do it, but it's a fucking shitty thing to jerk a person around like that because your self-confidence is lacking so much to the point where you don't think you'll find another person to love eventually...
Yesterday I was out with a friend of mine who's apparently still a virgin. He was talking about opportunities to fuck girls but he is just unable to hit on them or do the last move, so to say. I find it interesting. I remember once when I was like 16 I fell in love with this girl from high school and at one moment I was in her room and she was getting undressed. I watched her perfect butt and I was too young and scaredypoo to do the move. I could've just get up and get her. I still regret this fucking moment. Maybe she wouldn't fuck me anyways, but I could have just tried.

It's like 7 years back and I still remember this clearly. I feel sorry for the guy who still wastes these opportunities and he's 23 or something and then complains about it to me.

Or maybe he's gay and too scared to come out.
Had a date last night. She was waaay heavier than her picture, but I'm too polite to mention that shit so we just hung out and smoked weed and then eventually she blew me. I'm not proud of myself but whatever.
Had a date last night. She was waaay heavier than her picture, but I'm too polite to mention that shit so we just hung out and smoked weed and then eventually she blew me. I'm not proud of myself but whatever.

:lol: You and your OkCupid dates. They just go so well.
This was the worst thing that has happened from OKC, and I wasn't that bad. Smoked for free, plus a blowie, and the girl was pretty cool aside from being a landwhale.

I'm reconsidering my position on pics.
I pictured it as this

Date number two tonight at a cheap(ish) dive/hipster bar. This should be fun. I know going in that this girl is kinda heavy, but hopefully I can get a blowie or something else out of it.
^ :lol:

Man the GMD had some cool stories this week! I just can't go anywhere without having some type of spending money tbh. Rather stay home or tell my friends to come over and we'll make a box cake. Fuck that. Anyways, i hope you got something out of it Schmidt!

Cody: Definitely let your friend know. It's hard because no one wants to be involved in people's relationships but you really don't have to be involved to say, "hey man your girl kind of weirded me out a bit."

So I'm out with my girlfriends on Monday and then my mom texts me telling me she found a pound of weed in my brother's room and that he said it was my bfs. Apparently my boyfriend in a drunken and high state, left a big bag of used vaporized weed AND used condoms…. idk if he was collecting them or what. My mom went ballistic. -.- And sent me extremely long and dramatic text messages the whole night so much that i had to go home to calm her down. He called my mom today to resolve it and she lectured him for an hour. Needless to say he's afraid to come here now. I live in an attic but you pass my brother's room to get to it, and she doesn't have keys to my room. Idk maybe he meant to throw it out but ended up leaving it by the steps and so my brother picked it up he has a disability so yeah she checks his room once in awhile.