Males and Females

Got a couple of girls' numbers while I was working, then my mates came into my bar who were going to the same event as they were. So we decided to go and I managed to get a couple of numbers and then scooted off to the event after work. Danced and bought the girls a couple of drinks. All was going well, one particular girl took a liking to me and gave me a hug when it was time to leave.

Then she texted me later that she had a boyfriend and she was sorry if she gave the wrong impression. Damn... and she was hawt.
Yeah, nothing wrong with small talk, but with that, you have to hook them somehow, otherwise they walk away. Yes, that happened to me today. I just started talking about what my Mom liked in lotions with the girl, but her friend interrupted, and it's hard to take attention away from two people that have shared so much time together. I commented on stuff, and asked about other things, but they were so wrapped up in themselves and what they were doing, they went about their way. That's why I have trouble with women in bars and nightclubs, it's hard to hook two women's attention for so long. I'm much better at approaching women by themselves, that's my specialty. :) Yes, I "failed", and was upset and a little pissed, but I got over it. :)

Maybe it's because I have a mustache now? haha

:lol: I don't think it was the mustache :p. I think that if you had concentrated on conversation with the other girl and included the previous girl it would've been okay.

All a matter of pulling the new girl into a new conversation and taking hold of the situation. The key is to choose your target, and focus on that in a way that is under the table. By capturing the new girl's attention, it shows your alpha male dominance (not I'm a meat headed cunt that will bash anything, but just using your intelligence as a tool).

Just simple conversation of getting to know her shows that you're actually interested in their friendship and their relationship together. Also, it opens up opportunities of understanding how both of their personalities work as friends. It's more of a social experiment but I've always found that it works and it impresses your "target" when you actually try to get to know their friends and that you're not afraid to adapting to different situations.

That's how I see it anyway. :)
So, remember how I posted about my recent episode with Hot Nurse? Remember how you all said to forget about her?

Well, against my better judgment, I'm pursuing her. My reasoning is that I never gave her a fair shot and I should at least do that for her (because I'm an idiot/nice guy/whatever).

So, I sent her a text when I was at work last week I think? I asked her when it would be a good time to call her. So, I got a text back about 12 hours later saying to try Friday because she was working the nights in between then. So, Friday night comes up and I go to call and...I get her voicemail. So, I leave a voicemail and I get a text 40 minutes later from her basically saying that she was at her sister's and didn't get good reception, etc etc and to call her tomorrow.

So, tomorrow (Saturday) rolls around and I call her mid afternoon and she answers and asks if she can call me back because she's in the middle of something, so I say sure. 30 mins go by and I get a call back and I basically ask her if she'd be interested in going on a second date and she obliged but she wasn't sure about her schedule because she picked up a shift yadda yadda. So I just told her to get back to me when she had that in order.

Well, we come to Tuesday and I send her a text and say 'So, what's up with your schedule?' and I get a text later that night and she apologized because she was having phone problems and other such things. She said that she was free Monday and Tuesday night so I offered dinner on Tuesday and she said sure and to call her this weekend to iron out the details (Sunday evening).

and here we are. So now I have two days to stew over this, but the length between her texts is getting shorter now, so maybe she's becoming less apprehensive about this second date thing..
She doesn't sound interested to me. Our society expects women to be less forthright, and it's a shame. It sounds like she's agreeing to dinner because she doesn't know how to say no. I wouldn't go for it.
Well, I'll find out either Sunday or Tuesday if she is, especially if I get stood up. I'm just short of flat out asking her if she's still interested. My buddy says she is, but my gut tells me otherwise.
I guess so, since you already have it set up. A one-on-one date is a good way to find out if she's interested.
So what you're saying is, you're in the same exact position you were about a month ago. Dumbass.

I already told you man, if trying to get this bitch to go on a DATE is like pulling teeth, imagine would it will be like DATING her. :erk:
So what you're saying is, you're in the same exact position you were about a month ago. Dumbass.

I already told you man, if trying to get this bitch to go on a DATE is like pulling teeth, imagine would it will be like DATING her. :erk:

I'm attempting to get some skinny from my buddy. I'll just give a second date a shot. If it doesn't work, then I'm not out much..
Whenever I get stressed over stupid shit like this I just think "I could die tomorrow. What the fuck does what this woman think matters in the grand scheme of things?" and it makes it surprisingly easier. Do it. I don't claim to be the least bit good with women, but that one thing over all helps me nerve up when it's time to ask them out etc.
Some people are just bad at communication over phone/text etc. Go for it, you have nothing to lose, anyways.

Whenever I get stressed over stupid shit like this I just think "I could die tomorrow. What the fuck does what this woman think matters in the grand scheme of things?" and it makes it surprisingly easier. Do it. I don't claim to be the least bit good with women, but that one thing over all helps me nerve up when it's time to ask them out etc.

This is my opinion about the whole thing. If nothing happens, then whatever. If something does happen, then I'm dating a hot nurse and fuck y'all
:lol: I don't think it was the mustache :p. I think that if you had concentrated on conversation with the other girl and included the previous girl it would've been okay.

All a matter of pulling the new girl into a new conversation and taking hold of the situation. The key is to choose your target, and focus on that in a way that is under the table. By capturing the new girl's attention, it shows your alpha male dominance (not I'm a meat headed cunt that will bash anything, but just using your intelligence as a tool).

Just simple conversation of getting to know her shows that you're actually interested in their friendship and their relationship together. Also, it opens up opportunities of understanding how both of their personalities work as friends. It's more of a social experiment but I've always found that it works and it impresses your "target" when you actually try to get to know their friends and that you're not afraid to adapting to different situations.

That's how I see it anyway. :)
Thanks for the advice. I wish I had someone that would help guide me through all of this stuff in person. Instead of doing it all on my own. I'll keep this advice in mind for the next approach. Which could be tomorrow. Wal Mart on Saturdays is nice. :)
My ex is pressuring me to ask out another girl in my Greek class, one I've actually been liking for a while. But sorry, I like my job more.

So, the skinny from my friend is that she's still interested. He also asserted that she's just nonchalant about things and doesn't get worked up over stuff. She has also been working more so she can spoil her niece for Xmas from what she has told him.

This would put the missing pieces of the puzzle together somewhat. I just told my friend that I got a vibe she wasn't interested and he suggested that I keep going and see what happens.